Reply To: Let’s all talk about the SERIES FINALE Carry On (S15 E20)

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    November 19, 2020 at 11:12 pm #3481

    The writers just didn’t get them, at all. When Sam was young, he wanted a normal life, because he was too young to understand. As he grew up, he tried, but willingly stayed with Dean and the life out of love for his brother and the greater good. Sam had long since stopped wanting that normal life, and has said that is not who he is anymore. He liked his life and he loved the lore. He also understood the gold mine that was the bunker and never would have locked it up and moved on. Stereotyped and one note summation of the character.

    Dean dies without armor from God. Dabb made his point. It’s not about the characters, it’s about the writers. What a Jack ass.And the single note for Dean as well. Taking care of Sam. As if that is the sum total of Dean’s existence. Stereotyped and one note summation of the character.

    I loved seeing our Bobby. I hate even referencing Jack. I will never forgive what they did to Chuck or how that impacted the strength, skill, knowledge, rights and responsibilities of Sam and Dean.
