Houses of the Holy Trivia

At 8:30 when the brothers enter the basement of the house of the first guy murdered, the outside door to the cellar is clearly secured with three different padlocks, all rusty but locked. Yet when the camera angle changes to the inside of the cellar, the brothers simply open the doors and head in. Dean…

Houses of the Holy Quotes

Dean: You know what, there’s a ton of lore on unicorns too. In fact, I hear that they ride on silver moonbeams, and that they shoot rainbows out of their ass! Sam: Wait. there’s no such thing as unicorns? Dean: That’s cute. (Sam enters the motel room, while Dean is sitting on the bed listening…

Houses of the Holy Recap

Back to HOUSES OF THE HOLY Sitting in her house, flicking through the TV channels, prostitute Gloria Sitnick comes across a program with an Evangelist talking. No matter what she does though, the TV will not change channel or switch off. Suddenly, she encounters a shining bright light in her house. In a secure hospital,…

Houses of the Holy

Episode 214: Born Under a Bad Sign HOUSES OF THE HOLY Episode 213 airdate: February 1, 2007 directed by Kim Manners written by Sera Gamble Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) investigate the murders of several people by individuals who claim they were visited by an angel and were carrying out God’s will. After…

Houses of the Holy Cast

Writers: Sera Gamble   Director: Kim Manners   Stars: Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester) Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester)   Guest Stars: Denis Arndt (Father Reynolds) Heather Doerksen (Gloria) David Monahan (Father Gregory) Brent Fidler (TV Evangelist) Sean Rogerson (Rapist) Dan Mellor (Frank) Wesley Salter (Zach Smitt) Back to Season 2 episodes spnfanforever Latest page update: made…

Houses of the Holy Transcript

Written by: Sera Gamble Directed by: Kim Manners Note: This is the first episode of the season that does not begin with a “then” preview. SUBTITLE Providence, Rhode Island A young woman (GLORIA) is sitting in a dark room, watching television (it appears to be “The Drew Carey Show”) and smoking. She wears smudged hooker…