Back and to the Future Recap
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The episode begins exactly where the Season 14 Finale ended: Dean, Sam, and Castiel are in a graveyard under attack by a hoard of the recently-risen undead (being animated by souls from hell). After the trio tries to fight the creatures off for a few moments, Castiel hastily picks Jack’s dead body from the ground and the group runs to the nearest shelter – a crypt.
Once inside the crypt, the Winchesters bar the door with iron to hopefully keep the creatures outside. As the creatures snarl, growl and pound at the door, Castiel lays Jack’s body down on the floor, and the brothers check the crypt for access points or a way out.

Later the same night, the Winchesters, Castiel and Belphegor are in the Impala, heading toward the bunker. Using his phone, Sam checks the internet for any evidence of nearby paranormal (or zombie) activity, but doesn’t find anything. As the group is talking, Belphegor reveals that there are likely 2 to 3 billion souls in hell. He suggests that they try to contain the ghosts until they can come up with a better plan. He says he knows a spell that can create a mile-wide salt circle that won’t allow any ghosts in or out. Cas says that the nearest town, Harlan, Kansas, is less than a mile from the cemetery, so if they create the circle, people will be trapped inside. Dean suggests that they evacuate the town first, then work the spell to contain the ghosts.As the group is driving, they come across an abandoned car by the roadside. The car doors are open, the radio is playing, and the windows are splattered with blood, but there’s nobody inside. The brothers recognize the car as the scenario they encountered when they hunted a Woman in White. They also realize that if she is free from hell, then so are all the other vengeful spirits they’ve sent to hell. Realizing there’s nothing much they can do, they return to the Impala and head into town.
Meanwhile, in town, a woman is holding a young girl and frantically racing through a house. There are party balloons, cake, and other items suggesting a birthday party was interrupted. There’s also blood splattered on walls, floors, and elsewhere indicating that something violent has happened. The woman and girl make it into a garage and close the door. The woman tries to get out, but the garage door is locked, so they can’t get out. As the woman searches for a way out, maniacal laughter can be heard close by. Soon, we see that they are hiding from the ghost of John Wayne Gacy. The woman and child find a place to hide in the garage as we see Gacy’s ghost enter and look for them.

The next morning, the Winchesters arrive in town, dressed as feds. They find the sheriff and convince him that there’s a nearby chemical leak and the town needs to be evacuated. The sheriff agrees to evacuate everyone to a nearby high school (which is five miles away and outside the perimeter for the spell). Dean and Belphegor agree to find the ingredients and work the spell, while Sam and Castiel work with the sheriff to evacuate the town.
While Dean and Belphegor are alone, they have an awkward conversation about who jack was and how the world has changed since the last time Belphegor was here -- apparently it was a long time. Belphegor says that the ingredients for the spell are a large amount of salt and a human heart.
Meanwhile, Castiel and Sam, armed with shotguns (and salt rounds) sweep the town for ghosts. Castiel finds the house where Bloody Mary killed the two girls, and Sam finds the woman and child hiding from John Gacy’sghost in the garage of another house.
Before Castiel and Sam can get the woman and child to safety, Sam gets injured by Gacy’s ghost, but Castiel heals him. Cas also tries to heal Sam’s wound from when he shot Chuck, but it doesn’t work. Instead, Sam (and possibly Castiel) gets a disturbing vision of Sam (possibly with black eyes) and Dean, who is apparently injured and begging Sam to do something. The vision ends abruptly, and Sam tries to ignore it.
Sam gets a phone call from the sheriff, telling him that the rest of the town has been searched and is evacuated. He agrees to go to the high school and wait for the agents. Cas and Sam try to get the woman and child to safety, but the ghosts (along with others) all attack them. Initially, they try to fight using the shot guns, but eventually they just run…

Elsewhere in town, Belphegor reminds Dean that he needs a large amount of salt and a human heart – preferably a fresh one -- to work the spell. Dean gets a large bag of rock salt from a hardware store. As he heads back to Belphegor, Dean uses his cell phone to call Rowena. He explains the situation with Chuck, and tells her that they need her help. After he hangs up, he and Belphegor talk briefly. Belphegor tells Dean that he admires him from his time in hell, when Dean was torturing souls with Alistair. Dean brushes off the “compliment” and they discuss hell. Belphegor tells Dean that hell was business as usual, but suddenly all the doors were opened up and souls were allowed to escape. When Dean asks about the cage, Belphegor tells him that the cage opened up too, so Michael may have been freed.
The Winchesters, Castiel, Belphegor, and the woman and child arrive at the high school where the rest of the town’s inhabitants have gathered. The child thanks the group for their help and the woman agrees to not say anything about what they witnessed.
Once Dean and Sam are alone, Dean tries to tend Sam’s wound but realizes that there’s no exit wound and no bullet inside. He cleans the wound with antiseptic and the brothers talk about their situation. The brothers agree that they only have a few days to clean up the town and decide on their next move. They discuss how Chuck has been “playing them” and making them believe that they had free will. Dean is angry because he believes that all the good they’ve done in their lives doesn’t mean anything. Sam insists that the people they saved are still alive, so all their work wasn’t for nothing. Sam also believes that Chuck is gone now and from this point forward their destiny is their own.

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