The next episode is now whatever you want it to be. Start the whole amazing trip over again - pick and choose your favorites - nothing ever really ends and now we get to watch 15 years of Supernatural any way we want to. Forever.

We were determined not to lose this site that has fostered many great discussions and lifelong real-life friendships.

Here on the Supernatural Fan Wiki we support all Supernatural cast members. This wiki will continue to follow Supernatural and, therefore, The Winchesters. We will continue to update news on cast members' non-Supernatural projects, but our focus will remain on the Supernatural universe.
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If you loved Jensen as Soldier Boy on The Boys, there's a new book out edited by Supernatural fandom favorite Lynn Zubernis that dives into The Boys.
Just published in December of 2023, it looks at what makes the complex characters of The Boys tick and tackles what the show has to say about our real world. There are chapters by psychologists and media experts, along with some great insights from co-creator Darick Robertson and actors Jensen Ackles (Soldier Boy), Nate Mitchell (Black Noir), Aya Cash (Stormfront), Jim Beaver (Bob Singer) and interview excerpts from many other cast members. (The book also benefits the Venice Family Clinic in LA if you want to feel extra-good about buying it.)
It takes a look at the show's depiction of corporate greed, racism, sexism, politics, and celebrity including a chapter with Jensen about what Soldier Boy's characterization says about how we, as a society, define masculinity. There is so much to analyze in this show.
You can read more about it or order it at
THE WINCHESTERS premiered on the CW on October 11, 2022.
"The Winchesters" had a 13-episode season 1, then the CW was sold and the new owners deemed that The Winchesters should not be renewed. A Deadline article posted June 2, 2023 declared that though Jensen and Warner Brothers shopped it around to other networks and streaming services, the show is, in fact, done after one season. The talented young cast deserved more of a chance to explore these characters. But it seems that The Winchesters will be a one-shot offshoot of Supernatural.
Our after-episode discussions threads will stay up on the right column on this homepage for anyone rewatching.
Drake Rodger as our new John and Meg Donnelly as our new Mary.
The cast of The Winchesters.
The prequel to Walker, "Walker: Independence", was really only a prequel insofar as some of the characters had the names of characters from Walker. Independence was a GREAT show with a super-talented cast, really good writing, and it was one of the most beautifully-shot shows on TV. The new owners of the CW network also declined to renew Walker Independence. Jared tried to find a new home for the show, but was unsuccessful and it looks like we will only have one season of Independence. Jared made a cameo appearance near the end of the series and a mysterious Ranger that had a shootout with Hoyt.
Trailer for Walker Independence.
Walker Independence premiered on the CW on October 6, 2022.
Supernatural Then and Now
(the podcast)
Rob Benedict and Richard Speight Jr. have started a second podcast (in addition to their Kings of Con podcast). This one is a FULL SERIES re-watch of all 327 Supernatural episodes with guest stars, main cast, and production people discussing each one. The Pilot and Wendigo featured Jared and Jensen and it was glorious. Director of Photography Serge LaDoucer has been featured and upcoming guests include production designer and Propmaster Jerry Wanek as well as some episode directors and writers and many more! It's a great podcast for any true SPN fan who wants to hear how it was all done.

It was announced in June of 2024 that Walker would not be renewed for season 5. The show has been cancelled by the new owners of the CW in spite of it being the CW's currently highest-rated show.

Jensen guest starred on the Tracker on CBS (the #1 show on network TV) alongside his longtime real-life friend Justin Hartley in episode 12 of season 1 - an episode called "Off the Books". Justin stars as Colter Shaw - a man who tracks down missing people for reward money and who also has a mysterious and interesting family backstory. Jensen guest-starred as Colter's older brother Russell and made an already-good show even better. Russell is ex-military and currently working security for a secretive black ops corporation. There were many Supernatural Easter eggs in Jensen's Tracker episode! Here's hoping that he'll return for more episodes since Tracker has been renewed for a second season.

A note about Rust.
UPDATE ON RUST: It was announced in October 2022 that "Rust" will resume filming, with the original cast, in February 2023 and they will finish the movie. This timeline was then stretched out and filming did not resume until April. As part of the legal settlement surround the death of Halyna Hutchins, Rust was to be completed. This time, the production moved to an old West set in Montana to finish filming and it was announced in spring of 2023 that Jensen would be replaced on the project by co-star Josh Hopkins who also played Ranger Fenton on season 2 of Walker. Jensen famously filled in for this still-uncast character on Walker when he appeared in silhouette in the door of an Airstream trailer in the episode he directed. This role on Walker was later filled by Josh Hopkins. Josh already had a different role in Rust (he and Jensen became friends there and drove back to TX from NM together after filming was suspended) so it's unclear if all of Jensen's role on Rust will be re-shot with Josh or if only the ending will be redone with Josh's character instead of Jensen's having the final shootout.
As per a settlement reached between the family of Halyna Hutchins and the film's producers in the aftermath of her death, her husband will now be an executive producer on the project. All involved have talked about wanting Halyna's final work to be seen. Jensen spoke several times about being excited about what she was capturing on camera and her unique eye for a visually interesting shot during the initial production. May the final finished film honor her work and her memory.
UPDATE: It's unclear as to whether or not Rust will be finished or see the light of day. In the fall of 2023, authorities in New Mexico chose to re-file charges against Alec Baldwin after further testing on the gun used revealed that it could not have been fired without Baldwin pulling the trigger (this fact was in doubt earlier and Baldwin said he never pulled the trigger, yet the gun went off anyway). The show's young armorer is still facing charges.
In October of 2021, Jensen was incredibly excited to sign on to the Western "Rust". He said he has wanted to be in a Western since he was a kid and signed on to fill in for an unnamed actor who backed out of the project. He filmed for several weeks in New Mexico on this Alec Baldwin helmed project. The plot of the movie was about an accidental shooting and the consequences. Jensen was to play the Marshal. When he talked to audiences at the Denver convention in October of 2021, he was visibly excited to be a part of the project. Just 5 days after he appeared in Denver, cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was fatally shot on set by Alec Baldwin in an accidental shooting while rehearsing a scene. Jensen posted the incredibly thoughtful post below, putting the focus where it should be. On the woman who tragically lost her life. The photos from the trail ride were taken on the casts' day off just two days before the fatal shooting.
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We are starting a rewatch Thursday November 26th, 2020 with the Pilot episode - one a week - on Thursday - for as many years as it takes.
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The first Metalliblog post in a few years; one admin's impression of the 2021 Supernatural Nashville convention. Click here to read!

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DISCUSS the last episode of Supernatural
"Carry On"
There never has been, and never will be, another story like this one.
Link to the gorgeous version of Carry On used in the very final scene here.
The very last Supernatural TV Guide cover - out November 5th (awesome cover):
And the original art without the overlaid cover type. Um...angel wings are black. Also, it looks like they used Jared and Jensen photos (not Sam and Dean) - still stunning.
Nice interview with Jared and Jensen about the end of Supernatural. Click here.
(Some gorgeous fan art by @OfflArjun)
A new poster from the CW for this final mini season.
Filming was completed on
September 10, 2020.
A few photos of Jensen from the last two weeks of filming.

Since 1993