Black Recap

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...Dean goes up against Metatron and is stabbed fatally by him in the Season 9 Finale. He dies in Sam's arms. At the end, we see Dean lying on his own bed in the MOL Bunker and Sam is trying to summon Crowley to force him to resurrect Dean. Sam blames Crowley almost as much as Metatron for what happened to his brother. But Crowley doesn't show. He's in Dean's room, standing over him. He talks to Dean, telling him a story concerning the Mark of Cain about how Cain died and was supposedly resurrected as a demon. He tells Dean to wake up and they can both go and "howl at the moon". Dean's eyes open and they are black - demon eyes...

...The Season 10 premiere opens with Sam torturing a demon to find out where Dean is as his body has disappeared from the Bunker. Sam wants to find Crowley as he suspects him of taking Dean away. The demon taunts Sam that his brother is "one of them" and Sam tortures her, cutting her neck to extract blood; he wants her to use it to make a call to find out where Crowley is but she refuses, saying she is under orders. Sam is angered almost to the point of madness, shouting, "Where's my brother?"

...Four weeks later, Sam is in the MOL Bunker, looking at books on demon possession. He's talking to someone called Mike on the phone, asking about demonic signs like crop failures. He tells Sam there isn't anything going on. Sam goes into Dean's empty room and re-reads the note left on Dean's pillow. It says, 'Sammy let me go'.

Later, Sam finds a report on the computer about someone's death and he calls Cas. He tells him that a John Doe was murdered a week ago but he's someone called Drew Neeley who disappeared from a religious house recently but three years before that he'd killed his wife and children. Sam wonders if it's a case of demon possession and Cas starts to agree but then he has a coughing fit. Sam is excited that it is the first lead they've had in a while suggesting demonic activity has been non-existent since Dean disappeared but as Cas continues coughing Sam starts to backtrack and says he's made a mistake. Cas says he can help but Sam mentions an incident where he helped before and Cas says he wasn't to blame for a demon hurting Sam's shoulder, which is in a sling now. Sam says he shouldn't have bothered him and he needs to look after himself now. There's silence for a moment and then Cas asks Sam how he is. He says he's OK, just tired and he'll be better when he gets Dean back. Cas says he misses Dean and he asks Sam why Dean just left. Sam says he mightn't have had a choice and Cas then asks who wrote the note. Cas starts to ask if there's any chance Dean is... and Sam finishes with if 'Dean's remotely Dean anymore?' There's no answer from either of them...

...The next scene opens with Dean singing Karaoke very badly in a bar. Crowley is sitting down talking to a couple of guys at a table. Everyone hates Dean singing but he doesn't seem to care. He carried on singing and drinking...

...The next moment Dean's in bed with a girl, someone he smiled at while he was singing in the bar. They've just had sex. She gets up and he tells her not to get too excited or too attached as he's just rolling through. She tells him there's a million other ways he could have said that better. Then Crowley comes in. Dean says, "Whoah!" and Crowley asks what's going on. It turns out that this is Crowley's bedroom and he's not impressed. We get a "Jerk!" from Crowley and a "B*tch!" from Dean, which are lines only ever used by Dean and Sam! The girl, Ann-Marie, leaves...

...Dean and Crowley are playing "fussball" against the two guys Crowley was with earlier, a showdown with beers as the stakes... Crowley starts talking to Dean, asking him about the girl and saying the old Dean would have fallen for her being 'damaged'. Dean says that's not happening and Crowley says that's good. He reminds Dean they are two rolling stones and there should be no distractions but then Dean sees a man pulling the girl away from the bar and he goes after them, leaving Crowley to look on...

...Outside the man is holding the girl roughly and shaking her. She's telling him to calm down. Dean walks up and asks if this is him. "Are you Matt?" he says and without waiting for a reply he punches the guy repeatedly and then tells him to leave her alone. Crowley has wandered over meanwhile. Dean is looking at the girl, looking faintly pleased with himself but then Crowley makes a noise and Dean goes past him and back inside the bar. Someone is watching Dean carefully...

...Cas hears a knock at his door and it's Hannah, the angel. There's a cute Cas moment when he greets her at the door. He's in his dressing gown and says, "I'm sensing awkwardness". She tells him the angels are governing themselves now and trying to rebuild Heaven. Cas asks about Metatron and she tells him he is still locked away, permanently now. She asks him for his help in tracking down two angels, Daniel and Edina, who have gone rogue and have refused to return to Heaven. She tells him they have killed an angel sent to make them return and Cas agrees to help her.

Meanwhile Sam is at the police station investigating the death of Drew Neeley. The deputy tells Sam he's wasted his time as they're not sure it is a murder now; he thinks it's self-defense from some corrupted video footage the Tech Guys have managed to clean up...

...The scene changes to Dean coming out of The Black Spur bar. He knows someone is there waiting for him and he throws out a taunt saying he saw the guy this afternoon and he could use some competition. The man appears - it's the same one who was looking at him after he beat up Ann-Marie's ex - and he's holding a knife...

...Meanwhile Sam is looking at the video footage. It's footage inside a gas station and he sees someone reading a porn magazine. Sam recognises him - it's Dean! The deputy tells Sam to watch him, then the scene switches back to Dean in real time. He's recognised the man as one of Abaddon's demons! Dean tells the man they don't seem able to accept the Queen is dead and he refers to the dead Drew Neeley as one of Abaddon's demons too. The guy says they can't accept a douche like Dean killed her. Dean takes the First Blade out of the back of his jacket and shows it to the man, whose eyes flash black...

...Back to Sam and the deputy. Drew Neeley is behind Dean and he pulls a knife on him and attacks Dean. Dean starts fighting him and the scene switches between Dean fighting Drew on video and the real fight going on with the new guy. Dean stabs him, killing the demon and then on video Dean kills Drew who's on the floor, out of sight. The video clip ends with Dean looking up at the camera. The deputy tells Dean he doesn't know if the man who did this is a hero or a psychopath but he tells Sam that the picture is going out on the wire. Sam stays to look at the video clip again and he replays it slowly and see that in one shot Dean has black eyes too...

The scene changes to someone exercising, interspersed with shots of breakfast being made elsewhere. A boy is eating at a table and his mother is there with him The fax machine in the room beeps and a page comes out. The boy goes to give it to his Dad who's exercising in the next room. It's a picture of someone but we don't see who it is. The woman comes over and asks the man, "Is it him?" looking very upset when he says nothing. Next, the man goes to a cupboard full of firearms and starts packing weapons away. We see him looking at the image of Dean from the gas station...

The scene moves to Cas and Hannah, driving along a road. They stop and get out as Hannah is car-sick. She says she'll be OK soon and she asks Cas how he is. He says he's fine but she says he isn't, that his borrowed grace was failing in Heaven and he's gotten worse now. She says he's dying and he needs to replenish his grace. Cas tells her their mission is more important than him. He tells her they couldn't have brought Metatron to heel without her bravery and she says the same about him and that he needs to take care of himself. Cas is angry. He asks if another angel should die so he can be saved and is it hard to understand? Hannah replies that she is feeling better now and gets in the car...

Sam is at the gas station and the clerk is describing Dean's fight with Drew Neeley, in words and actions! He tells Sam nothing useful though; there's nothing to trace Dean. However he tells Sam he found the dead guy's phone under a display and he asks Sam to drop it off at the station. Sam looks at the emails and sees there's one giving the location of a Winchester and saying, "Long live Abaddon". He calls the number and Crowley answers, thinking it's Neeley but Sam says he's just using a dead man's phone. Crowley recognises Sam's voice and tells him he and Dean "were beginning to wonder if he'd hit another dog" (ouch!) Sam tells him his brother is dead and Crowley's going to pay for having a demon walk around in his meat suit but Crowley counters, telling Sam he hasn't got enough imagination and that his brother is alive, courtesy of the Mark. He tells Sam the only demon inside Dean is his own demonised self. Sam asks him about the Abaddon supporters Crowley has sent to kill Dean and asks if he knows about this doublecross. Crowley tells him he's out of his depth. Sam says he doesn't know what black magic he's used on Dean and he carries on, saying, "...Hear me; I will save my brother or die trying!" Crowley tells him that what really bothers Sam is not that Dean is a demon but that Dean is with him and he's having the time of his life. He says that Dean is his. Sam says Dean isn't his pet but Crowley tells him that Dean is his best friend, that he completes him and that's what makes Sam "lose his chickens". Sam says again that he'll find Crowley and save Dean and then he'll kill Crowley, dead. Crowley isn't concerned and ends the call but Sam has already located his phone at The Black Spur in Beulah, North Dakota...

We're back with Cas and Hannah now. They stop near a river where someone is fishing. It's the angel, Daniel. Cas talks to him about trout fishing and Daniel uses the fishes' desire to fight for their freedom as an analogy for his own wish for free will. He says that they're here about the angel who died and he tells Cas that nothing would have happened to the angel if he'd left them alone but Hannah says he had orders to bring them home and they killed him. Daniel asks why they've sent two more angels and they don't seem to get the message (to leave them in peace). Hannah says all angels serve at Heaven's command and Daniel agrees but then says that was before the Fall. Hannah says he's an angel for always. He replies that they were dropped from Heaven unknowingly into a strange land which celebrates the free and making choices now helps him discover who he is. Hannah thinks this is nonsense but Daniel says they should teach about freedom in Heaven and learn why it's worth fighting for. Hannah takes that as a challenge and takes out her angel blade saying he's taunting them. Cas says, "And then what - we kill him or he kills us?" She replies that they have orders and Cas says they have time to change his mind. He also reminds her that they don't know where the other angel, the woman is...

Back to Dean and Crowley in the bar. He's just explaining to Dean that he sent the demons after him. Dean's not overly happy and Crowley explains he was keeping Dean sharp with demon chum and that the Mark needs to be sated otherwise... Dean completes the sentence, "...I turn into a demon." He tells Crowley he lied to him and Crowley says what did he expect and Dean gets up to go. Crowley tells him to sit down and Dean just looks at him. Crowley explains he needed to keep Dean sharp for their future. He says to Dean, "...If I have to spend one more night in this fetid petri dish of broken dreams and BO I will cut off my own face." Dean says he doesn't know what Crowley is talking about; he's great and Crowley asks him how long he can keep eating "suicide wings" and doing one-hit wonders on Karaoke and Dean replies that there's no time stamp or expiration date on them ehowling at the moon. Crowley says they've had their fun and now it's time to go back to work. Dean says, "Pass" and Crowley explains that together they can rule Hell, make it perfect. He tells Dean they aren't ending the party, they're just moving it. He gets up to go and tells Dean that "Moose" called from the cell of the demon Dean killed. He says that too many words were spoken and Dean says that Sam's traced the call. Crowley says, "My bad" but it's obviously been deliberate on his part. He tells Dan that Sam will be there by morning at the latest and Dean says that Crowley has sold him out. Crowley's annoyed. He tells Dean he doesn't know what's going on with him. He hasn't sold him out, he's done Dean many favors over the past six months - the Mark, the First Blade, mid-wifing him back to life, offering him a seat at his side - all a gift. He tells Dean to take the night and make up his mind - he knows where to find him...

It's night and Sam is driving but his car starts making strange noises and breaks down. He pulls over to the side of the road and gets out to look under the hood but someone pulls in behind him. The lights dazzle Sam. A man walks over and asks him if he wants help. Sam says he does - his car just died on him - and the guy opens the hood. He points to a device inside and tells Sam that's the problem. Sam doesn't know what it is but the guy says it's a kill switch and he's holding the remote, which he shows is in his hand. Sam is shocked and goes for his gun but the man knocks him out with a couple of punches and ties Sam up...

Back with Dean now: he's still drinking in the bar and then the shots alternate between him singing Karaoke and drinking. Ann-Marie comes over and stops him drinking whiskey, then he's back singing very badly again and everyone's booing him; he looks very drunk. Eventually the manager comes to take Dean off the stage and Dean pushes him off. The scene changes to Dean asleep in bed. He wakes up and Ann-Marie is in the room. He asks her if she wants to go somewhere with him but she says they barely know each other and he's drunk. He says he protected her honor and she says she thought so too and no-one's ever done that for her before but she says he kept on with beating Matt up and that whatever was going on with him wasn't about protecting her honor. She says that maybe for a second she thought he was a good guy playing bad but Dean is cruel to her. She says, "maybe you're just..." and he finishes her sentence, "...the kinda guy who sleeps with every skank in every small town dive that he passes through. Well you really do know how to read people... 'Cause that sure as Hell sounds like me." She's very upset and says she's so screwed up she'll walk out and think she actually deserves to be spoken to like that.

...Back with Cas and Hannah. They are sitting around a campfire with Daniel and he's saying he doesn't understand why angels don't acknowledge the wisdom to be found on Earth. Hannah's dismissive of anything which could be learned from humans but Cas understands him. Hannah says that if Daniel is to be freed, all angels must decide that. The female angel appears and says they aren't going back. Ever. Daniel introduces Edina to them and asks her to stow her blade. Edina says she will when Hannah stows hers. Cas asks Hannah what she's doing but Hannah stands up and Edina says they'll never be able to argue their freedom from a prison cell. Hannah says they should have thought of that before slaughtering an angel and tensions escalate between the two female angels although Daniel and Cas try to calm things down. They fight and Edina downs Hannah but then she hits Edina with a rock and she falls over too. Daniel confronts Hannah with an angel blade and Cas stabs him from behind, killing him. Edina slashes at Cas, hurting him and then she runs away. Cas kneels down next to Hannah. She wants to go after Edina but he tells her it's over...

...Sam is led into a barn by the man who kidnapped him. He is hooded and his hands are tied. He sits Sam down in a chair and ties his legs to it, then he takes off the hood. He makes some small talk about breaking his arm when he's a boy and then he says to Sam, "You're Sam Winchester." He tells Sam that he and Dean go way back. Sam asks him if he's a Hunter and he says, "Sure - hunting your brother counts, right?" Sam tells him he wouldn't do that and the guy smiles unpleasantly. Sam says he doesn't know who he is or what he wants or what Dean did but if he's got any sense he should turn tail and run back to the army recruiting ad which spit him out in the first place. The guy's still smiling nastily and Sam tells him Dean is a monster. The guy agrees Dean was a monster many, many moons ago but he says that now Dean's prey. He bends down close to Sam's face and says, "I'm the monster now."

...Cas and Hannah are in the car. She says they need to report this. Cas is upset another angel died and says they only wanted to be left in peace. Hannah says he was trying to kill her and they need rules, otherwise there's chaos and angels like Naomi, Bartholomew and Metatron rise up out of it. Cas says maybe he's been down on Earth with them too long, that not all chaos is bad: Art, Hope, Love, Dreams come out of it. Hannah says they are human things and Cas just looks at her and then says, "Yes."

Dean is driving along in the rain. His cell goes off. It's Sam. He picks it up and says, "I left you an open tab at the bar. Knock yourself out." A strange voice answers - it's Sam's kidnapper. Dean asks who he is and the guy says, "Me, well I'm Karma, brother." Dean asks if Sam is dead and the man replies no, not yet, as long as Dean shows up when and where he tells him to, then Sam will be OK. Dean asks how does he know if Sam is still alive and the guy holds the cell out to Sam to talk but he's silent. The guy punches Sam hard and his shout of pain is heard on the cell. Sam shouts, "Dean!" but the guy ignores him and asks Dean if he has a pen. Dean tells him there's no trade, no meet-up, no nothing, just the 100% guarantee that somewhere down the line he'll find him and kill him. The man says that'll be cold comfort to his dead brother but Dean says he told Sam to let him go so whatever jam he's in now is his problem. The guy says he'll pass that on as he's slitting Sam's throat and Dean says, "Yeah you do that. 'Cause he knows me and he knows damn sure that if I am one thing, I am a man of my word" and Dean finishes the call. The guy looks at his cell. He isn't laughing now. He looks at Sam and then turns and walks away a few feet and stands against the wall. The episode ends with Dean staring straight ahead, emotionless...

Written by Spnfanforever

Author's note:

I thought this was a fine episode. It reset the scene after the Season 9 Finale and showed Dean for the first time as a demon. It was a matter-of-fact, couldn't-care-less Dean we saw, someone only interested in his own pleasure and so it was all the more chilling for being completely alien to the Dean we know. Jensen acted Demon-Dean brilliantly!

The new guy, whom we know as Cole now but who was never introduced by name was cold and ruthless and his personality seemed to be that of an obsessed, even psychotic man, who nevertheless had left what appeared to be a loving family behind in his search for vengeance.

Crowley was very good, as usual. It remains to be seen what Dean will do - will he re-join Crowley and take part in his master plan for Hell or will he go his own way?

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