Chuck Shurley
We first meet Chuck toward the end of season 4, when Dean and Sam discover that there is a series of books out there which chronicle their hunting escapades. The author is Carver Edlund (name derived from the names of the show's story editor Jeremy Carver and producer Ben Edlund). So, they track him down through his now-bankrupt publisher, prove who they are, and confront him. In Monster at the End of This Book, Chuck first thinks that he has created Sam and Dean, and he apologizes profusely for all he's put them through. The boys finally get it through his head that they are real, and ask how he knows so much about them. He explains that he dreams it all. It begins with a headache (which aspirin won't help, so he drinks heavily until he passes out, and the dreams come). Then he just writes what he has seen. He then informs them that his latest vision is of Lilith coming for Sam. With the help of Chuck's manuscript, Dean tries to have them do the opposite of what's written, but Sam seems bent on confronting Lilith. Castiel reveals to Dean that Chuck is actually a prophet. As things get dangerous, Cas also lets on that prophets have archangels tethered to them, which appear and destroy anything that threatens the prophet--information which Dean then uses to save Sam from Lilith. It's clear that Chuck feels very protective of the boys now that he has met them. At the end of the episode, he obviously is having visions of the apocalypse, and he wants to warn Sam and Dean, but Zachariah won't let him. We next see Chuck toward the end of Lucifer Rising, the season 4 finale. When all else fails, Castiel brings Dean to Chuck's house to find out where Sam is. Once they know, Cas sends Dean to the convent to stop Sam from killing Lilith, saying he will hold off the arriving archangel. We already know from clips that Chuck makes an appearance in Sympathy for the Devil, leaving Sam and Dean a message about Michael's Sword location, but its proved a trap. He played his future self in The End At the conclusion of Swan Song, while finishing the writing of his book, Chuck smiles and disapears, indicating that he was God all this time. Chuck returns in season 11's "Don't Call Me Shurley," sharing his autobiography with Metatron before revealing his identity to Sam and Dean to help them in the fight against his sister Amara. Chuck and Amara reconcile in "Alpha and Omega" and disappear to spend time together to heal their relationship. Chuck appears in season 14's "Moriah" to get Dean to kill Jack. His plan is thwarted when Dean can't kill him and he is shot by the God gun by Sam. He's wounded and opens a hole to Hell, choosing to kick off the end of the world. In season 15 Chuck becomes the big bad, trying to get Sam and Dean to kill one another. He destroys all the alternate worlds he created and removes all living creatures from the one remaining world, leaving Sam, Dean and Jack as the only remaining people on earth. In "Inherit the Earth" Jack absorbs all Chuck's power and becomes the new God, leaving Chuck to live out the rest of his life as a human.
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Main Characters:
Dean Winchester | Sam Winchester | Bobby Singer | Castiel |
Other Characters:
Jo Harvelle | Ellen Harvelle | Mary Winchester | Anna | Meg Masters | Azazel | Lilith | Ruby | Ash | Lucifer
John Winchester | Harry Spangler | Ed Zeddmore | Rufus Turner | Zachariah | Gabriel |Pamela Barnes |
Victor Henricksen | Gordon Walker | Andy Gallagher | Ava Wilson | Adam Milligan | Jake Talley |
Samuel Campbell | Deanna Campbell | Uriel | Jessica Moore | Chuck Shurley |
![]() DeansGirl666 |
Latest page update: made by DeansGirl666 , Oct 2 2012, 11:15 PM EDT |
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Started By | Thread Subject | Replies | Last Post | ||
kampeon19 | Carver | 0 | Dec 8 2009, 4:29 PM EST by kampeon19 | ||
Thread started: Dec 8 2009, 4:29 PM EST Watch AGE: 36 List of Supernatural Titles Supernatural |