Don’t You Forget About Me Recap
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TEASER: A couple of teenagers are in a truck preparing to make out. Without warning, the boy is yanked from the car by an attacker and forced to his knees. As the camera pans up to the attacker's face, we see that it is Claire Novak and that she has a sword to the boy's throat. His date screams and asks the attacker what she is doing. Claire says "He knows". When the boy denies this, Claire screams at him "What are you?" EPISODE: Sam and Dean are in the library at the Men of Letters' bunker. Sam has been on his computer, while Dean has just returned from getting take out food. They discuss the fact that they don't have any leads on Amara, and Castiel has also not been in contact with them. As Dean unpacks the food, he very proudly presents Sam with an "Elvis", which appears to be a very tall bacon cheeseburger that uses two glazed doughnuts instead of a hamburger roll. Dean is happy to share, but Sam declines, saying he'd rather not be "flatlined" by food. As they are talking, Dean's phone rings. It is Claire. We only hear one side of the conversation, but we see Dean's face change from happy to deadly serious and we hear him say "Yeah. You got it. We're there." * In Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Jody Mills is picking Alexupfrom school. As Jody waits in the Sioux Falls police department pickup truck, Alex and two other students are across the street. We learn from the conversation between Alex and her friend that Alex and her boyfriend have a chance of being elected prom king and queen. As the three students are talking, Alex's math teacher walks by and reminds Alex that there's a test the next day. Jody honks her horn, and Alex kisses her boyfriend goodbye and walks over to join Jody in the truck. In the truck, Jody compliments Alex on how well she's doing and fitting in. When Jody looks down at Alex's bag, she can see inside and sees birth control pills, but doesn't say anything as she drives off. * As Jody and Alex pull up to their house, they see the Impala parked outside. They are both surprised, because neither of them called the Winchesters. Inside the house, Sam and Dean have been sitting and talking with Claire. As soon as Alex and Claire see each other, they start bickering. The Boys greet Jody, and Jody finds out that Claire is the one who called them. Claire believes there are monsters in town, but Jody has not believed her assertion. Claire walks away in a huff, and Jody invites the Boys to stay for dinner. * At dinner, Dean and Sam are eating voraciously and demonstrating questionable table manners. They compliment Jody on the meal. Meanwhile, Claire wants to discuss the "case". Three people are missing -- two runaways and a homeless man. The man was last seen at a local make out spot that Claire has been staking out. Claire has also been reading "neighborhood crime blogs" that mention strange animals stalking people's yards and disappearing. Jody dismisses the blog reports, but Sam says they've hunted on less. When Dean asks what other evidence Claire has, we learn from Jody and Alex that Claire has been mistaken about "monsters" before -- like mistaking a German Shepherd dog for a werewolf, and mistaking a costumed city council woman for a vampire. We learn that Claire has committed a string of assaults based on these mistaken identities, and the only reason Claire is not in jail is because Jody has been using her authority as sheriff to keep her out of jail. Claire is convinced that she is right this time. * When Alex says she wants to stop talking about monsters and hunting, Claire retaliates by announcing that Alex and her boyfriend (Henry) are planning to sneak up to Jody's cabin sometime soon to have sex. This starts a very awkward dinner table discussion about contraception, during which the Winchesters show themselves to be completely unprepared to provide backup for Jody and contribute helpful advice. * After dinner, Dean is helping Jody with the dishes. Jody admits that she loves Claire and Alex, but she does not feel prepared to raise two teenaged girls -- especially since she is not their mother. Dean comments that Alex has come a long way and he barely recognized her. Jody tells him that Alex had difficulties at first, but is doing much better now and is dating the most popular boy in school. Claire, on the other hand, is supposed to be attending college, but has not gone to classes for weeks. And the boy Claire assaulted with the sword is planning to press charges. Claire doesn't have any friends and spends all her time looking for cases and reading lore. Jody is afraid that Claire is "hiding" behind hunting because she doesn't think she has anything else. Dean tells Jody that he'll ask Sam to talk to Claire, since Sam is better at 'talking'. * Later, Claire is reading in her room, and Sam comes in to talk to her. He tries to help her understand that the hunter life can consume a person, and make you start seeing monsters everywhere. He asks if she's using hunting to escape something. She replies that she doesn't feel like she fits with Jody and Alex, and she's thinking about heading out on her own to hunt. Sam says he understands her need to hunt, but she shouldn't give up a chance at having a home, a family and going to school to hunt. He says that monsters will always be here, but those opportunities won't be. * Meanwhile, at the high school, we see the math teacher walking across the parking lot at night. Something grabs him from behind and bangs his head into the window of his car. The next morning, when Alex and Henry arrive at school, a crowd of people are looking at the teacher's body, which is hanging by the ankle, which is duct taped to the top of a flag pole. Sheriff Mills is on the scene; and so are the Winchesters -- dressed as feds. Jody tells them that the teacher's name was Steven Phelps, and it looks like his neck had been snapped. A school custodian found the body. Jody also gives Sam an evidence bag containing some fibers that were found at the scene. As they're talking, Claire walks over and says "I knew it." and starts asking about theories on what monster could have killed the teacher. Jody tells Claire that she can't be at a crime scene, but Claire retorts that the "fake FBI" is there. Dean takes Claire aside and tells her that she can't just walk up to the sheriff in front of a group of officers and start asking about details on the case. He also tells Claire that she needs to start showing Jody some respect. He says that Jody took Claire in and set her up at school, and that Jody has been "busting her a**" to get Claire set up with a life, feeding her and sheltering her -- all without Claire ever having to ask. He says Claire should appreciate what Jody has done for her. As they are talking, Alex and Henry walk over and announce that school has been canceled, so they re going to "hang out". Dean gives Henry a threatening look before the couple walks away. * Inside the school, Jody and Sam are interviewing a teacher, while Dean walks through the building looking for EMF. Later, Sam and Jody interview the custodian (Wheeler), who admits to finding the body but has an alibi for the night of the murder. Jody comments that the custodian doesn't seem all that upset about having found the teacher dead, but the custodian maintains that he didn't know the teacher very well. Afterward, Dean finds Sam at the school. Dean has been unable to find sulfur, EMF or hex bags; Sam also has not gotten anything from interviews, except that the custodian seemed 'squirrely". * Later, Alex and Henry are in the park talking. Alex says that Mr. Phelps wanted her to quit soccer and join the math team because he thought she was smart; she feels bad that he died so horribly. She tells Henry that there are "awful things out there" and that she has done some terrible things in her life and hurt some people. As she is talking, she remembers her time with the vampires when she helped lure people to their deaths. Henry says he doesn't care about Alex's past and kisses her. * Back at Jody's house, Sam and Claire are sitting at a table looking over papers (Sam is at his laptop) when Dean and Jody return. Dean says that the material found at the crime scene was asbestos. Jody says that Wheeler's alibi checks out, but Sam has learned that the man's social security number is fake. Claire says that Wheeler started working at the school a few months ago, when the murders started; and she AGAIN says that she said the killings were supernatural all along. Sam and Dean decide to go talk to the custodian again, while Jody runs Wheeler's ID photograph through the police database. Claire wants to come with Dean and Sam to check out Wheeler, but Jody reminds her that they have a meeting with the college registrar to try to get Claire re-enrolled in school. Claire protests, but Dean and Sam both give her looks of admonishment, so she relents. * A short time later, Jody and Claire are in the garage preparing to leave for their appointment. Jody is attacked from behind -- hit in the head with a shovel. We see that the attacker is Wheeler. Claire runs to help Jody, but Wheeler grabs her by the throat, and we see that he has vampire fangs. Claire pulls a knife, but Wheeler disarms hear easily and punches her in the face. When Jody tries to attack again, Wheeler breaks her leg and hits her in the face. Then we see Wheeler drag Claire away. Jody calls Dean, who answers in time to hear her being beaten before the call cuts off. He and Sam are leaving what was supposed to be Wheeler's house, but is a fake address. They rush over to Jody's house, only to find Claire's knife and Jody's phone on the floor of the open garage. As Dean and Sam search for Jody and Claire, Dean gets a call from one of the officers. Wheeler's real name is Richard Beesom; he is from O'Neill, Nebraska, and has been missing for 3 years. His family was found exsanguinated with their throats ripped out. Sam remembers that O'Neill, Nebraska is where Alex's nest was. He and Dean suspect that Beesom may be a vampire from Alex's old nest and that he came looking for Alex. Sam goes to the school to search the custodian's work area again, while Dean goes to find Alex. * Alex and Henry are sitting in a jeep in the parking lot of a burger joint in town. Dean calls Alex to warn her that the school custodian is a vampire. She tells him where she is and he tells her to stay there and wait for him. Alex tells Henry to leave, but he shows his vampire fangs and attacks her. When Dean arrives minutes later, Alex is not there. He calls her and hears her cell phone ringing; he finds the phone behind a dumpster. * Meanwhile, Sam is searching the custodian's basement work area and finds blue prints of the school. Dean calls Sam to report that Alex is gone; Sam tells Dean that the school had a pool building, but it was closed down because of asbestos. Dean agrees to meet Sam there. * At the abandoned pool building, we see three dead bodies that have clearly been exsanguinated. We also see Jody and Claire bound and sitting on the floor. Claire and Jody realize that the three bodies are the three missing people. Jody tells Claire she was right. Then, Henry comes in, dragging Alex with him. Beesom duct tapes Alex's hands to a railing and tells Alex that he met her 3 years ago when she was with the vampire nest. He saw her in a bar preparing to pick up a man. He thought Alex was in trouble, gave her money and offered to give her a ride home. But when they arrived at Alex's house, Alex walked away as the vampires attacked him. We learn that the vampires turned him instead of killing him, and that he subsequently went home and killed his family. Beesom blames Alex for destroying his life. * Jody tries to tell Beesom that Alex didn't have a choice, and Alex apologizes for what happened. But Beesom says Alex could have just left him outside the bar. He feels betrayed because he was a good man who was only trying to help her. Beesom says the only thing that kept him going was the knowledge that he would find Alex some day and make her pay. Henry tells Alex that Beesom had been tracking her for months. Beesom was just initially going to kill Alex outright, but she was so miserable and alone that he was enjoying watching her suffer. He turned Henry so Alex would have something precious that he could take away from her. So, Beesom killed Alex's favorite teacher and had planned to kill her family and feed her to his nest. Henry tells Alex that she was creepy and he could never date someone like her. He admits that none of what he pretended to feel for Alex was real. Alex spits in Henry's face and Beesom slaps her. Henry goes to bite Alex, but Beesom stops him. * Then, Beesom pulls Claire up from the floor and drags her over to where Alex is restrained. Jody tells him that Sam and Dean are not FBI agents, but hunters, and they are on their way. Alex offers to help trap food for Beesom like she did for her old nest if Beesom will release Jody and Claire. Beesom says he might take Alex up on her offer, but then he bites Claire and lets her fall to the floor. * Sam, who has entered the building (carrying a machete), hears Claire's scream and follows the sound. As he enters the room,Beesom hits him with a sledgehammer, causing Sam to drop his weapon. Then, Henry sneaks up with a two-by-four and knocks Sam into the empty pool. Henry jumps into the pool and starts beating Sam. As Sam and Henry fight, Beesom picks up Sam's machete and threatens to kill Alex with it so nobody can save her. As this is happening, Claire makes her way to a box cutter and frees herself before handing the box cutter to Jody. Meanwhile, Dean has heard the commotion and has entered the room. Before Beesom can kill Alex, Claire runs him through with a crowbar, and Dean beheads him. Dean asks if Claire drank any of their blood, and she says "no". He frees Alex and helps Jody to her feet. Meanwhile, Sam subdues Henry and takes him to Alex. She punches him in his face and Claire beheads him. * Next, we see Jody at home with the girls (presumably the next morning). We see that Claire has cleaned up her appearance and is no longer wearing heavy makeup. Jody has crutches and a brace on her leg. As she enters the kitchen, which is a mess, the girls say they made breakfast because they wanted to do something for her. Jody is surprised. As she goes to sit down, Alex apologizes for what happened. She feels responsible for Beesom coming after them because of what she did. Claire says it wasn't Alex's fault and that she didn't have a choice, And Jody tells Alex that she was willing to give up her life to save them -- which is "goodness". Jody also says that's what's scary about family -- it gives you so much to lose. * Outside, Dean is getting ready to leave and is talking to Claire. When Dean asks if Claire will try to make Jody's life less hellish, Claire promises to not hunt "like a dumbass". Claire says Jody is going to teach her how to vet leads and investigate. Sam and Jody come out of the house, and we see that Sam is carrying several containers of leftovers. Sam talks to Alex, who says she plans to go back to school like normal. Sam warns her that other vamps may come for her. She says she knows and will be ready, and that someday, when she gets her life together, she will be moving on. Claire tells Alex that she doesn't have to leave to protect them, but Alex says it's because she doesn't want to be around monsters. Jody and the girls watch as Sam and Dean drive away. |