Everybody Loves a Clown Trivia

If you listen real carefully at the end when Jo asks Dean if she'll ever seen him again, he replies, "Do you want to?" The last part of the sentence has Jensen going into almost a full-on Texan/southern accent.
This is the first episode in which Sam and Dean cry together
Near the end of the episode when Dean is taking the last drink from the beer bottle, his hand switches position from the neck to the bottom depending on the camera angle.
In the scene where Sam and Dean are walking through wheat fields after they abandon the van, Sam is/isn't holding a cell phone depending on whether it is a close/far shot
Sitting at the bar, Dean gives Ash all of John's research papers, you can see Sam take a drink from the glass of water then Ash takes the folder. In the next shot, he starts to take a drink again.
In the scene where Sam and Dean are walking through wheat fields after they abandon the van, Sam is/isn't holding a cell phone depending on whether it is a close/far shot.
After Sam stabs the clown, Dean pulls the knife that was under his arm out and throws it on the floor then he turns the steam off and is shown pulling out the same knife from the exact same spot again
When Sam and Dean are about to stop the clown from killing a little girl's parents in the house, Sam is in a room that is dark when we get a shot of him. Then it is lit when we get a shot of Dean with the room in the background. The light is on then off depending on the camera angle

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