- Where did Lucifer go? Did he just storm out of heaven and decide he didn't want to rule after all? Would he be willing to come back if it was the only way to keep heaven open? Would the angels allow that?
- Will Castiel be able to find Gabriel in time to save heaven -- and help the Winchesters save Mary and Jack? Assuming Gabriel can be found, will he be willing to help either cause?
- If Gabriel refuses to help, is there another way to save heaven? What about the angels in the alternate universe? Might there be a way to convince them to help? Can they be trusted?
- Will there be cosmic repercussions because Rowena killed four people before their time, altering fate?
- If heaven needs a certain number of angels to remain functional, how did it remain stable in season 8 when Metatron kicked all the angels out? Metatron remained in heaven at that time, but he was essentially alone until he got bored and started bringing other angels back
- If Rowena wanted to kill Sam, why didn't she just do it with the knife? Why perform a ceremony -- unless it was never her intent to kill him?
- Rowena is a very powerful witch; could she perform a resurrection spell that can bring Fergus back? If not, can Jack reach Crowley in the Empty, like he reached Castiel?
- Will Sam eventually kill Rowena? Or will the Winchesters once again alter fate?
- When Naomi told Castiel that "the gates of heaven are closed" until he can find Gabriel, did she mean that heaven is closed to new souls, so everyone who dies will be trapped in the veil again (like things were in season 9)? Or was she specifically tellingCastiel that heaven is closed to him unless he can find Gabriel?
- Is Jessica still spying on the Winchesters?

- Rowena can see reapers, now. Apparently, so can her bodyguard, Bernard. Normally, only angels and people who are dead or dying can see reapers -- unless the reaper chooses to be seen
- Jessica the reaper has been secretly watching the Winchesters since Dean killed himself in "Advanced Thanatology" (episode 5)
- Sam apparently does have an impressive array of hair care products
- According to Death's library, Sam Winchester will be the one who eventually kills Rowena for good
- Angels are the energy source that powers heaven
- There are only 8 angels in heaven, and approximately 3 (counting Castiel) on earth
- If heaven's lights go out and heaven collapses, all the billions of human souls in heaven will fall to earth, causing chaos on an unimaginable scale
- Rowena blames herself for the decisions Fergus made in his life and for the way he turned out. She wants him resurrected so he can have another chance at living a better life

- "Funeralia" is a Medieval Latin term for funeral rites or rituals
- We saw Rowena murder someone at the Le Veau art gallery in Portland, Oregon. "Le veau" is French for "the veal"
- We were told in "The Big Empty" that Death doesn't have the power to bring someone back from the Empty, which is where Crowley would have gone, since he's a demon. So, Rowena's plan to force Death to negotiate with her was flawed. Shouldn't such a powerful witch have known about the Empty?
- When Rowena sees Billie, she comments that they should have exchanged phone numbers the last time they met. Rowena met Billie (as a reaper) for the first time in "Alpha and Omega" (season 11)
- In season 6 "My heart will go on" we learned that if one alters the fate of a single person, the fates of countless other people can be changed. In that episode, one of the three fates (Atropos) confronted Castiel and Balthazar, who had gone back in history to change fate to their advantage

- Rowena jokingly calls Castiel "Tweetie Pie", possibly referring to the animated character "Tweetie Bird" from the long-running Warner Brothers cartoon series "Looney Toons"
- Rowena calls Dean, Sam and Castiel her "three little musketeers", referring to the heroic main characters from Alexander Dumas' classic 1844 novel, The Three Musketeers
- In sports terms, a "hail mary" is a desperate, last ditch effort or play (such as a long pass) that is unlikely to work and pseudo-miraculous if it does. A "slam dunk" refers to something that should be a sure thing; in basketball, a slam dunk is completed when a player jumps up and literally places the ball inside the hoop, so it's virtually impossible for the player not to score. In basketball, a "ball handler" is the person who controls the plays. Dean seems to believe that "ball handler" has a sexual connotation
- The Butterfly Effect is a theory that suggests changing anything -- even something as seemingly minor as the flapping of a butterfly's wings -- can change many other things. Dean refers to this theory and to the 2004 science fiction film of the same name, starring Aston Kutcher. In the film, a college student realizes he can go back in time and change things that happened in the past, but his actions have serious consequences
- Jessica tells the Winchesters that when fate is altered on a large enough scale, the reapers have to "reset" things by killing massive numbers of people. She gives examples such as great wars and The Black Death, which was a pandemic bubonic plague outbreak that occurred during the 1300s in Europe and Asia, and killed over 20 million people
- Dean asks "what's the over-under" suggesting he wants to know the real truth. This alludes to a betting term -- a sportsbook predicts (for example) the final score for a game; people then place bets on whether the actual number will be "over" of "under" the number predicted

- "Scotland the Brave" -- Scottish folk song (Rowena's ring tone)
- "Seductive Tango" -- by Dominic Richard Ashworth and Derek Nash (plays when Rowena and Bernard are dancing at the art gallery)
- "Supernatural Man" -- by Mable Jo and the Jealous Hearts (plays when Dean and Sam meet Rowena at the bar)

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