- If this was a case of a ghost, how come nothing got salted and burned?
- Should Dean have made a promise to Sam that he probably won't be able to keep?

- Sam feels that the only way he can stay "human" is to save as many people as possible.
- While drunk, Sam makes Dean promise to kill him if he begins to turn evil.

- Dean suggests a "greasy pork sandwich served up in a dirty ashtray" as a hangover remedy to Sam. This is a direct quote from the movie Weird Science (1985),. The line was originally delivered by Chet Donnelly (Bill Paxton).

- Michael Burks - "Voodoo Spell"

- Dean suggests a "greasy pork sandwich served up in a dirty ashtray" as a hangover remedy to Sam. This is a direct quote from the movie Weird Science (1985),. The line was originally delivered by Chet Donnelly (Bill Paxton).

Sam, Dean, a shape-shifter and hostages are locked in a bank, surrounded by a SWAT team. It all begins when the brothers, on the trail of a 'shifter, run into a portly paranoiac who's seen T2 once too often.