Simon Said Quotes

Simon Said Quotes
(Sam knocks on Ash's door, which bears the sign "Dr. Badass is: In/Out")
: Ash. (knocks again) ... Hey, Ash!
(Dean knocks)
: Hey, Dr. Badass!
(door opens and Ash is completely naked)
: Sam. Dean. Sam and Dean.
: Hey, Ash... We need your help.
: Well, hell, then, guess I need my pants.
Dean: -Talking about Sam's premonitions.- That's my point! There's gonna be hunters there! I don't know if going in and announcing that you're some supernatural freak with a demonic connection is the best thing, okay?
Sam: -Looking rather insulted.- So I'm a freak now?
Dean: -Looks out at the road for a split second, then back at Sam and smiles as he pats Sam's knee.- You've always been a freak.
[Ash is searching unsuccessfully for information on the case]
: Alright, try something else for me. Search Guthry for a housefire; it would be 1983, fire's origin would be the baby's nursery, night of the kid's 6th month birthday.
[Ash stares]
: Okay, now that is just weird, man. Why the hell would I be looking for that?
[Sam put a bottle on the counter]
: Because there's a PBR in it for ya.
: Give me 15 minutes.
[Jo puts music on and takes tray of glasses to counter, Dean gives her a look]
Jo: What?
: REO Speedwagon?
: Damn right, REO, Kevin Cronin sings it from the heart.
: He sings it from the hair, there's a difference.
Dean: If I ran off with you, I think your mother might kill me.
[gives Ellen a sheepish grin as she glares at him from across the room]
: You're afraid of my mother?
: [turns back to Jo] I think so.
[Dean is singing "Can't Fight This Feeling" by REO Speedwagon in the car]
: "And even as a wanderer, I'm keepin' you in sight/ You a candle in a window on a cold dark winter's night..." [Sam appears confused and annoyed]
: [continuing] "And I'm getting closer than I ever thought, I might-"
Sam: [staring at Dean] You're kidding, right?
: I heard the song somewhere; I can't get it out of my head. I don't know, man.
Server: If you want to find Andy, try Orchard St. Just look for a van with a barbarian queen painted on the side.
: Barbarian queen?
: She's riding a polar bear, it's kinda hard to miss.
[Dean and Sam are observing Andy's van from their car]
Dean: I'm sorry, I'm starting to like this dude. That van is sweet.
[Sam calls Dean on his cell phone]
: Dean! Andy has the Impala!
: I know! He just sort of asked me for it, and then I let him take it...
: You what?!
: He full-on Obi-Wanned me! It's mind control, man!
[Upon finding the Impala intact]
: Oh, thank God! I'm sorry baby, I'll never leave you again!
[After the boys determine Andy to be innocent, Andy and Sam are discussing their abilities]
: You get visions... of people about to die? [Sam nods] ... That's impossible.
: A lot of people would say the same thing about what you do.
: [pause] But death visions? Dude, that sucks.
Office Clerk: Probably shouldn't have let you kids in here...
: No, it will all be fine. Just go get a cup of coffee, alright? 'These aren't the droids you're looking for.'
: Awesome.
[Reviewing county birth records]
Sam: Andy, it's true. Holly Beckett was your birth mother.
: Does anyone have a Vicodin?
: Dr. Jennings was her doctor too... I mean, he oversaw the adoption. You have a solid connection to both of them.
: Yeah, but I didn't kill them.
: We believe you. But who did?
: I think I've got a pretty good guess. Holly Beckett gave birth to twins.
: [Holding his head, awestruck] I have an evil twin...
[Speaking with his "evil twin", Webber]
: Are you really this stupid? You learn you've got a twin: You call him up, you go out for a drink! You don't start killing people!
[Looking through the items in a van]
: And Moby Dick's bong.
Ellen: You mind your tone with me, boy. This isn’t just your war, this is war. Now, something big and bad is coming, and it’s coming fast, and their side holds all the cards. Now, at best, all we’ve got is us, together. No secrets or half-truths here.
Sam: So I'm a freak now.
Dean: You've always been a freak.
Andy: Tell the truth.
Sam: That's what I'm...
Dean: We hunt demons.
Andy: What?
Sam: Dean.
Dean: Demons. Spirits. Things your worst nightmares wouldn't even touch. Sam here is my brother.
Sam: Dean, shut up!
Dean: I'm trying. He's psychic, kinda like you. Well, not really like you, but, see, he thinks you're a murderer, and he's afraid he's going to become one himself, because you're all part of something that's terrible, and I hope the hell he's wrong, but I'm starting to get a little bit scared that he might be right.
Dean: What's wrong?
Sam: Nothing.
Dean: Babe, you look like you're sucking on a lemon. What's wrong?
Andy: What am I supposed to do now?
Dean: You be good, Andy. Or we'll be back.
Dean: Hate ta kick ya while your freaked