The Rupture Recap

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recap by kate38
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TEASER: Harlan, Kansas

In the town of Harlan, two hunters are patrolling and monitoring the ghost barricade. They notice pink-colored sparks in the sky as the ghosts repeatedly try to break through the force field. They also note and comment to each other that the hits are coming more frequently, indicating that the ghosts have stepped up their attack on the barrier.

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At the cemetery, Dean, Sam, Castiel, Rowena and Belphegor arrive and discuss their situation. The townspeople are still at the high school, but the hunters Sam left in charge there can only maintain order for a limited amount of time.

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When Dean tells Rowena that her plan had better work, she tells him that her spell – the “Rafforza l’incantesimo” is a powerful transubstantiation spell. She says it will strengthen the shield into “concrete” if they can get her to the epicenter where the souls erupted from. They find the large crater in the ground (the epicenter for the ghost eruption) and decide that a nearby crypt is the best place for Rowena to work on the spell. As they walk past the crater, souls are continuing to fly out of it, indicating that the problem is getting worse as long as the rupture stays open.
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Once inside the crypt, Rowena uses the Book of the Damned to begin working the spell, while Dean, Sam, and Castiel barricade and salt the entrances. Rowena completes the spell, and it seems to work for a few seconds. However, Rowena is suddenly overcome by visions and negative energy from the evil spirits within the barricade. She collapses and the spell fails.

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Rowena gathers her wits and tells the group that there are too many spirits pressing against the barricade, and they’re too angry and desperate for her spell – or any other spell – to work. She says that the ghosts will eventually break through within a few hours.

Dean suggests that they try to kill as many ghosts as they can before the barricade collapses, but the rest of the group is not enthusiastic about that idea. Belphegor leaves the crypt and Castiel follows him out. Outside, Cas and Belphegor talk. Belphegor takes Cas to the edge of the crater and tells Cas that the crater isn’t a door – it’s a rupture where Chuck stamped his foot and ripped hell open. He tells Cas that he has an idea…Meanwhile, back inside the crypt, Sam tries to talk Dean out of his idea. Sam says he’s freaked out and out of ideas, but Dean replies that he’s angry (referring to the situation with Chuck) and refuses to let Chuck have the last word. Unable to come up with a response, Sam walks away to check on Rowena, who is looking through the Book of the Damned, but says she hasn’t found anything useful.

Cas and Belphegor return to the crypt and tell the rest of the group about Belphegor’s plan. According to Belphegor, Lilith had a horn called a “Crook”. When Lilith sent demons to earth to do her bidding, she created the horn to guarantee they’d return to hell when she used it to call them. Belphegor insists that the horn can be used to call all the souls back into hell.

When Dean asks where the horn is, Belphegor says it’s in Lilith’s chamber in hell, which has been sealed for ages. But now that all hell’s doors are open, they should be able to get into her chamber and find the horn. When Belphegor suggests that he can find the horn and sound it, which will suck all the souls back into hell, Rowena says that she can devise a spell (the Sanetur acre vulnus) that will close the rupture permanently, shutting all the souls in hell. Rowena says that the spell is a healing spell, and since the rupture is a type of wound, the spell can repair/undo it. Rowena cautions, however, that they’ll have to time and coordinate everything carefully.
When Dean asks Rowena what she needs for the spell, she lists a few simple ingredients and says she needs Sam to assist her. She also says someone will have to be stationed near the opening to serve as a “carrier” so that when she lights the fuse, this person can toss the bomb into the opening and seal the rupture. Dean agrees to do this job, and Castiel reluctantly agrees to go with Belphegor into hell, to keep any remaining demons away from him and make sure he finds and sounds the Crook.

Elsewhere, Mr. Ketch wakes up in the hospital connected to an IV and monitors. A nurse tells him that he is recovering from a bullet wound and is being held for observation, but Ketch tries to leave, insisting that he has to help his friends. As they’re talking, the demon Ardat arrives, wearing a doctor’s meatsuit. They fight, but Ardat wins and ends up with her hand around Ketch’s throat, strangling him. During a hostile exchange, Ardat reminds Ketch that she hired him to find and kill Belphegor. Ketch insists that he has no idea where Belphegor is, but Ardat doesn’t believe him. Ardat insists that Ketch is protecting his friends. When Ketch refuses to divulge their location, Ardat rips out his heart, killing him.

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As Cas and Belphegor approach the opening, the demon taunts Castiel, reminding him that this mission is very dangerous for him and he could get trapped in hell forever, but his friends didn’t seem to care. Cas dismissively says he’ll find a way out and refuses to comment further on what’s happening between him and the Winchesters.
When they get to the crater, Cas pushes Belphegor in and then jumps in himself. They plummet until they disappear.

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At the crypt, two hunters arrive with additional weapons, and the ingredients Rowena needs for her spell. When Sam asks how bad things are in town, one of the hunters replies that they were only attacked a few times, because most of the ghosts are still working on bringing down the barrier. Sam asks the hunters to return to the barrier, because if the plan fails, they will be the only thing stopping the ghosts.

As the group is talking, Dean gets a text message from Ketch (but it’s actually Ardat using Ketch’s phone) saying that he’s ready to return and needs their location. Dean describes their plan and unknowingly gives their location to the demon.CASTIEL and BELPHEGOR
In hell, Cas and Belphegor find hell largely deserted. When Castiel asks why Belphegor thought he might need protection, the demon insists that he wanted company more than protection. Castiel reminds Belphegor that every second in his presence is intolerable because he’s wearing Jack’s meat suit.
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Eventually, they arrive at Lilith’s chamber and find another demon there, stealing things. It seems that the other demon is Belphegor’s friend, but Castiel kills him quickly and he and Belphegor begin searching the chamber. Belphegor finds a box etched with Enochian writing. Cas begins reading the writing and says the words are a song of praise to Lucifer, and an incantation to open the box. Belphegor comments that Lilith knew demons can’t read Enochian, so she used that to keep the box safe.Castiel recites (and then sings) the incantation and the box opens…

While Dean waits at the crater for Ketch (who is never coming), Sam and Rowena work the spell in the crypt.

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Once the box opens, Castiel removes the horn and hands it to Belphegor. Belphegor tells Cas to leave while he can. But before anything can happen, Ardat arrives and flings Cas into a wall, temporarily knocking him out.
Ardat attacks Belphegor, saying that she knew he’d come for the Crook because she knows he wants to rule hell. Ardat pulls an angel blade (the one she stole from Ketch) and prepares to kill Belphegor. Before this can happen, Cas attacks her. Cas and Ardat fight and she tries to warn Castiel that Belphegor is dangerous, but before she can say very much, Belphegor kills her.
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As soon as Ardat is dead, Cas confronts Belphegor. At first, Belphegor says he doesn’t want to rule hell, but then he orders Cas to leave and hurls him out of the room and into the corridor. Once Cas is out of the room, Belphegor tells him that the Crook isn’t just a horn – it’s a siphon. He tells Cas that once the souls are in the Crook, he can draw them into himself and become immensely powerful. Having all those billions of demons and souls will make him more powerful than Lilith or Crowley or any other demon. At this point, Cas realizes Belphegor has been playing them all along, and that he needed Cas to read the Enochian because he couldn’t.
As this is happening, Belphegor blows the horn. Up at the crater’s entrance, Dean can see a flood of souls rushing back into hell. In the crypt, Sam and Rowena hear the horn and realize it’s time for them to work their spell. They begin reciting the incantation.

As Belphegor blows the horn, Castiel is forced to cover his ears as his ears start to bleed. A flood of souls rushes past him and into the bell of the horn.

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In the crypt, the bowl Rowena and Sam are using begins to glow pink, indicating that the spell is working.

At the crater’s opening, the bag Dean is holding begins to glow, so he knows it’s time to toss the bomb into the crater. He tosses the bomb inside and the hole starts caving in…

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In hell, Castiel attacks Belphegor, which abruptly stops the horn from sounding. Castiel smites Belphegor, turning his meatsuit into ashes.

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At the cemetery, everything suddenly stops. Dean, Sam, and Rowena know something is wrong. Dean calls Sam and tells him that the crater is closing, but something doesn’t feel right…

As Sam is talking to Dean, Rowena stabs herself in the shoulder to remove her resurrection sachet. She tells Sam she won’t need it where she’s going. Sam is clearly confused. Rowena tells him that their plan wasn’t her plan. She says that she can use magic to soak up all the souls if she’s willing to pay the price. She says that her spell is a death spell, and it only needs two ingredients – her own blood (still coursing) and her last breath. Rowena says she will absorb the souls and return them to hell, and in time her body will break down and the souls will be released in hell, where they belong. During an emotional scene, Rowena convinces Sam to kill her to complete the spell and save the world, reminding him that in Death’s prophecy, Sam is the only one who can kill her. Sam tries to walk away, but Rowena positions the knife in his hand so he stabs her.

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Castiel arrives at the crater’s opening and tells Dean what happened – that he killed Belphegor and the Crook is destroyed. When Cas tells Dean what happened, Dean is furious.

As Dean and Cas are talking, Rowena approaches them, bleeding from a wound across her abdomen. As she’s walking, souls fly into her wound. Rowena bids the brothers and Castiel farewell before she jumps into the crater. As soon as she’s inside, the crater caves in completely.

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Back at the bunker, Sam is in his room, looking despondent. Dean enters and they talk briefly. Dean tells Sam that the hunters are reporting that the town is recovering. He also says that they found Ketch’s body and it looks like he was killed by a demon. Dean tries to console Sam, telling him that Chuck threw another apocalypse at them and they defeated it. Dean also tells Sam that what happened with Rowena wasn’t his fault and he didn’t have a choice.

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Later, Dean and Cas are in the bunker’s library. Cas asks how Sam is doing and Dean replies “not great.” When Cas apologizes for what happened to Rowena, Dean reprimands him for not sticking with their plan. Cas tries to explain that Belphegor was lying to them and using them to ingest all the souls and take over hell, earth, and beyond. Dean replies that they would’ve figured out a solution if that had happened, and Rowena would still be alive. Cas insists that the plan changed and things went wrong, but Dean argues that with Castiel, something always seems to go wrong.

Castiel is clearly wounded and feels that Dean doesn’t trust him. Cas also tells Dean that his powers are failing, he doesn’t know why, and he’s tried to tell Dean, but Dean doesn’t care. When Cas says that Dean blames him for Mary, Dean doesn’t dispute that. Dejected, Cas says there’s nothing left to say, and he turns to leave. When Dean asks where he’s going, Cas replies that Jack’s Dean, Chuck’s gone, and Dean and Sam have each other, so it’s time for him to move on, and he leaves the bunker.
Latest page update: made by kate38 , Nov 7 2019, 4:48 PM EST (about this update - complete history)
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