Twitter Accounts for Supernatural Cast and Crew
It's so much fun to be able to hear from the cast and crew of Supernatural in their own words. Here is a list of many of the Twitter accounts for cast and crew members both current and past. Several of these folks often acknowledge the Tweets you send them (executive producer Jim Michaels, DJ Qualls "Garth Fitzgerald IV", and Kim Rhodes "Sheriff Jody Mills" come immediately to mind). It's also great when the cast and crew live-Tweet, usually during the west-coast airing of the current episode, so you can watch it right along with them. Also included are the Twitter accounts of some of the other good fan sites. Fangasm live-Tweets from most of the conventions and that's always a good way to hear the most up-to-date information from the convention guests.
Erick Kripke (show creator/writer/executive producer) - @therealKripke
Jared Padalecki (Sam) - @jarpad
Jensen Ackles (Dean) - @JensenAckles
Misha Collins (Cas) - @mishacollins
Mark Sheppard (Crowley) - @ Mark_Sheppard
Kim Rhodes (Sheriff Jody Mills) - @kimrhodes4real
Briana Buckmaster (Sheriff Donna Hanscum) - @OfficialBrianaB
Emily Swallow (Amara) - @bigEswallz
Dylan Everett (Young Dean - season 10 and 11) - @dylanevz
Mark Pelligrino (Lucifer) - @MarkRPellegrino
Ruth Connell (Rowena) - @ RuthieConnell
Adam Rose (Aaron Bass in "Everybody Hates Hitler") - @RealAdamRose
A.J. Buckly (Ed Zeddmore) - @Ajohnbuckley
Alaina Huffman (Abaddon) - @AlainaHuffman
Alona Tal (Jo) - @talalona
Aldis Hodge (Jake) - @AldisHodge
Amanda Tapping (Naomi) - @amandatapping
Amy Gumenick (Young Mary Winchester) - @amygumenick
Carrie Anne Fleming (Karen Singer) - @FlemingCarrie
Chad Lindberg (Ash) - @chadlindberg
Cindy Sampson (Lisa Braedon) - @CindyMSampson
Colin Ford (Young Sam Winchester "A Very Supernatural Christmas") - @colinfordactor
DJ Qualls (Garth Fitzgerald IV) - @TheOnlyDJQualls
Erica Carroll (Hannah) - @divinepigeon
Felicia Day (Charlie Bradbury) - @feliciaday
Gabriel Tigerman (Andrew "Andy" Gallagher) - @GabrielTigerman
Genevieve Padalecki (Ruby #2) - @realGpad
Gil McKinney (Henry Winchester) - @GilMcKinney
James Patrick Stuart (Dick Roman) - @japastu
Jim Beaver (Bobby Singer) - @jumblejim
Joy Regullano (Maeve from "Fan Fiction") - @joyregullano
Julian Richings (Death) - @JulianRichings
Julie McNiven (Angel Anna) - @juliemcniven
Kathryn Newton (Claire) - @KathrynLNewton
Katie Sarife (Marie on "Fan Fiction") - @katiesarife
Kurt Fuller (Angel Zachariah) - @TheKurtFuller
Lauren Tom (Linda Tran) - @LaurenTom9000
Lindsey McKeon (Tessa the Reaper) - @MyLindseyMcKeon
Madison McLaughlin (Krissy Chambers) - @MadisonMcLaugh
Matt Cohen (Young John Winchester) - @mattcohen4real
Osric Chau (Kevin Tran) - @OsricChau
Rachel Miner (Meg #2) - @RachelMiner1
Rick Worthy (Alpha Vampire) - @RickWorthy
Richard Speight Jr. (Archangel Gabriel, Trickster, and director of "Just My Imagination") - @dicksp8jr
Rob Benedict (Chuck Shurley) - @RobBenedict
Traci Dinwiddie (Pamela) - @GrooveGoddess
Samantha Ferris (Ellen) - @samanthajferris
Samantha Smith (Mary Winchester) - @samsmithtweets
Sebastian Roche (Angel Balthazar) - @sebroche
Timothy Omundson (Cain) - @Omundson
Travis Aaron Wade (Cole) - @TravisAaronWade
Travis Wester (Harry Spengler - Ghostfacer) - @westerspace
Ty Olsson (Vampire Benny) - TyOlsson
Tyler Johnston (Samandriel) - @TylerBJohnston
Robbie Thompson - @rthompson1138
Jenny Klein - @jennydelherpes
Adam Glass - @AdamGlass44
Sera Gamble (Writer and past Executive Producer) - @serathegamble
Jim Michaels (Executive Producer) - @TheJimMichaels
Serge Ladoucer (Director of Photography) - @SergeLadoucer
Jerry Wanek (Production Designer) - @JerryWanek
Russ Hamilton (Location Manager) - @RUSS_MOVIEGOD
Tara Larsen (works with Jim Michaels) - @TaraLarsen
Kevin Parks (First Assistant Director) - @SNKevinandJill
Kerry Weinrauch (Head Costume Designer) - @kwcostumes_sn
Zabrina Matiru (Key Makeup Designer) - @zabrinamakeup
Brian Rose (Steadicam Operator) - @Steadistar
Mike Carpenter (Stunt Man) - @STUNTCARPY
Clif Kosterman (Bodyguard and Driver for Jared and Jensen) - @bodyguard4JandJ
Ryan Curtis (VFX Supervisor) - @ryan_Curtis
Christopher R (Lead VFX Artist) - @ChristopherSPN
Danneel Ackles Harris (Jensen's wife & great actress in her own right; though has never appeared on SPN) - @DanneelAckles
The Green Cooler (Tweets as the Coleman cooler) - @TheGreenCooler
Chris Schmelke (Photographer at Creation Entertainment Supernatural conventions) - @chrisschmelke
Fangasm! (Often live-tweets from conventions) - @FangasmSPN
Winchester Family Business - @WinFamBusiness
Supernatural (the official CW Twitter account for the show) - @cw_spn
Creation Entertainment (not a fan site; but the company that runs the Supernatural conventions) - @CreationEnt
US! The Supernatural Fan Wiki - @SPNFanWiki
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