Reply To: Lets all talk about All Hell Breaks Loose Pt. 2 (S2 E22)

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    October 24, 2021 at 2:19 pm #10523

    Ahh…this is the first time we hear “Carry On” in a season finale. That song will never be the same for me. It will always have meaning and will always make me a little sad. 🙁

    Interesting point, kate!
    Was the meaning of the refrain of “Carry On” ever positive for you?? Like, did it mean to you that there would be rest and a good life at the end?

    For me it never was. I always understood the lyrics to mean they’ll be peace when you are dead.

    Morbid, I know, but to me the song is about a person who toils and gets tossed around by life and beaten down with little hope for something better, but a peace at the very end of the road aka death.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by PigNaPokePigNaPoke.