Lets all talk about All Hell Breaks Loose Pt. 2 (S2 E22)

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    • journalbookbinder
        October 22, 2021 at 12:30 pm #10496

        The finale of season 2. Dean’s fateful deal. This is a good one. And has one of the best shots ever shot in Supernatural when Dean fires the Colt.

      • kate38
          October 22, 2021 at 12:30 pm #10499

          Ahh…this is the first time we hear “Carry On” in a season finale. That song will never be the same for me. It will always have meaning and will always make me a little sad. 🙁

          I remember Jensen giving an interview and saying that he told the director he’d only be able to do Sam’s death-bed scene once, because of how emotional it was. So, the director and director of photography lined up all the cameras to get the angles they needed for that scene. If I recall, Jensen did John’s gravesite scene in “What Is and What Should Never Be” all in a single shot, too. I can’t say it enough times. Jensen Ackles deserves about a dozen Emmys for his performances in Supernatural over the 15 seasons. It’s a shame that he’ll likely never be truly recognized for the amazing actor he is. Maybe in future projects, or maybe he’ll be recognized for his directing someday.

          It’s heartbreaking that Dean felt he’d let Sam and John down somehow. I hate that he blames himself for things that are far beyond his control.

          By the way, the lighting in that death bed scene was spot on. It highlighted Jensen’s face perfectly. I also love all the Kim Manners’ close-ups in this one. They make me smile and miss him…

          I LOVE the backstory about Samuel Colt and the devil’s trap. That’s so ingenious! Question: Did Colt’s railway fail? The demons blasted through it, right?

          Another question: When Dean gets to the crossroads, Lloyd’s bar isn’t there. Do you guys think that was an oversight? I guess we’re supposed to believe that Dean found another crossroad that just happened to have enough loose gravel so he could dig a hole with his bare hands. Okay…

          Sigh…I hate to watch that crossroad deal scene because it’s so gut-wrenching. We know Dean’s going to make the deal, but THE WHOLE TIME, I’m still screaming internally for him to not do it. And the demon is so cruel and seductive. “It’s a fire sale and everything must go.” Like I said, I hate watching that scene because of the consequences. But the scene itself is so well done in every respect that I can’t hate the scene. The actress totally delivered. And of course, Jensen did too.

          I can’t say enough wonderful things about Bobby. He loves his boys so much. That scene when he confronts Dean about the deal is beautiful. He’s furious that Dean put himself in such grave danger, but his rage clearly comes from a place of love and protection. Yes, Dean’s self esteem at that point was already in the abyss. He’d never stopped blaming himself for John’s death, and now he blamed himself for being unable to protect Sam. When Dean says he had to do it so his life would mean something, and Bobby says “It didn’t before?!” – Oh, my heart. I just love Bobby! Jim Beaver is a treasure.

          When Azazel was taunting Dean in the graveyard, he implied that what was resurrected might not have been “100% Sam”. Do you guys think the writers were initially going to take the story that way but changed their minds between seasons 2 and 3? Or do you think that was just a misdirect? I’m curious, because early in season 3 (“Sin City”, I think), Dean asks Bobby the same thing about Sam. It really made me wonder. And wouldn’t it have been VERY Interesting if the story had actually gone that way?

          That iconic scene when John returns and Dean kills Azazel is just wonderful! Only John Winchester could claw his way out of hell — after being relentlessly tortured for 100 years — to help his boys…again. Then, John gets the reward of going to heaven, after a silent but powerful farewell to his sons. Sigh…all the feels. I know lots of fans don’t like John Winchester; but I think he’s just a misunderstood character. He never stopped loving his sons and fighting for them. Even the grave and hell itself couldn’t stop that. Like I said…all the feels.


          • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by kate38kate38.
          • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by kate38kate38.
        • journalbookbinder
            October 22, 2021 at 12:30 pm #10509

            Dean at the start of this one is so so so heartbreaking. The first time Sam dies. As he talks to his body, it kills me. The tears, the admission that he feels he failed at the one job he had – protecting Sam. The way he shoves Bobby away and yells at him; so upset at the thought of burying Sam…and Jim Beaver’s GREAT shocked response as Bobby at Dean treating him that way. As well as Dean’s immediate apology. I love the whole thing in a horrible way.

            Then he drives like a bat out of hell and calls up the demon to make the deal. Dean looks genuinely surprised when she keeps talking him down in terms of years of life on the contract. All the way down to one. I DO like that this “secret” was not drawn out. That by the end of this episode, he tells Sam what he did. I wish this trend would have continued on this show!

            I liked that they had Ellen and Bobby as allies at the “cowboy” cemetery. I loved how they figured out that the rails laid by Samuel Colt formed a giant pentagram. They make the lore seem so natural, it almost feels like they’re relating actual history!

            One of my favorite scenes and lines of all time is when Yellow Eyes gives Jake the Colt and tells him it’s the only gun in the universe that can kill him and of course Jake immediately points it at his head…causing Yellow Eyes to respond with utmost sarcasm, “Oh my, I’m shocked at this…unforeseen turn of events.” Kills me every time. That delivery was perfect. He crafted a very good character in yellow eyes. Disarmingly funny while being so cruel and deadly. This was later part of the Lucifer approach, but I loved it here.

            The gate to hell opens. Sam kills Jake like he’s never killed anyone before and even Dean is shocked. I think on first watch, that was the first time I actually started to wonder if there wasn’t something inevitable in the demon blood.

            Okay; John getting out of hell was kind of distractingly-poor CGI, but it was a sweet idea. John climbs out and assists Dean in killing the thing they were both dedicated to hunting. When the demon throws Dean and he hits his head on the headstone; ouch! That looked quite real to me.

            Then THE SHOT. The incredible part CGI shot of Dean firing the Colt with the engraved-tip bullet…it is one of the best shots ever put on any screen. The determination on Dean’s face, the calm certainty, the slo-mo. I just love love love it! And Yellow Eyes dies pretty quickly then! They didn’t belabor it.

            I love that Sam and Dean try to take a minute to take in the moment after John disperses to heaven. But now the demons are out and now there’s MORE to hunt so I guess Sam isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

            I liked that Sam pressed Dean for the truth about the fact that he did, in fact, die, and just what did Dean do to bring him back? And Dean didn’t or couldn’t lie to him. He tried to deflect, but finally admitted he only had one year. Sam immediately decides he’s going to stop this deal. It was a sweet turn to have Sam pledging to save Dean.

            And of course the unforgettable and much-repeated-over-the-years “we’ve got work to do” trunk shot. PERFECT. Was this one directed by Kim Manners??? It was great.

            I also noticed again; especially when Jake was standing near the tracks with yellow eyes; just how much I loved the “old style” SPN color. All the grays and lack of intense color; it just screams “gray midwest” and I love it so much and wish they had kept it throughout.

            I liked that Ellen escaped death at the Roadhouse just by dumb luck. Had to go out to get more pretzels. That was a slightly realistic touch; sometimes it’s just a freak occurrence like that that makes the difference between one person dying (Ash) and another living.

            Kate; I used to cheer Carry On in the finale…until THE finale. Now it’s hard to me to hear.

            Kate; yes, the demons “burned through” the rail line pentagram from the inside-out, making the rails glow and bend up until they broke the line. This was never really explained HOW they could do this. Strength in numbers?

            I never thought Dean had to go to the SAME crossroad. I assumed it was another crossroads and any crossroads would do.

            Oh; yes! The scene where Bobby confronts Dean about the deal right before Ellen shows up. It’s so powerful. You really can see how much he loves them. How Dean really felt he had no other choice. Bobby’s suspicious welcome of Sam is so great. Seeing Bobby call Dean out on his low self-worth is spot-on and so impactful!

            I think it was a natural thing to taunt Dean with after Sam killed Jake so completely and coldly. I think it was a taunt. I think Azazel gave his “special children” powers, but he never knew how their own free will would affect it. Used mostly for harmless good or fun like Andy? Or used to kill people like Ava in the end? Because I think EVERYONE has it within them to go dark (without demon blood!), I think that demons just played on the “bad side” of being human. Tried to influence them that way. I think the comment to Dean was made to throw him off his game. I do think Dean kept wondering about how Sam was (when he asks Bobby in Sin City) after witnessing him kill Jake and that really stuck with him.

            By the way, loved Dean calling Jake a “little bitch” for killing Sam.

            This episode had me cheering. And it was an edge-of-your-set rollercoaster the entire way. Very good one.

            • kate38
                October 22, 2021 at 12:30 pm #10623

                “Dean looks genuinely surprised when she keeps talking him down in terms of years of life on the contract. All the way down to one. I DO like that this “secret” was not drawn out. That by the end of this episode, he tells Sam what he did. I wish this trend would have continued on this show!”

                Man, I SO agree with this! I can’t remember who said it — Bob Singer, maybe? But later in the show, around season 10, one of the producers said something about how “secrets are no longer interesting as plot devices”. After that point, the brothers tended to keep fewer secrets from each other. But I’m with you! I wish they’d started sooner. Even in season 9, I 100% agree that Dean made the right choice when he let Sam get angel-possessed. My only criticism of Dean is that I wish he’d told Sam about it sooner. I know he wanted to several times, but Ezekiel/Gadreel talked him out of it. Yes, if Dean had confessed in 9×1 or 9×2, Sam would’ve dropped dead and Dean would’ve made some sort of terrible deal to resurrect him. In the end, the story line likely wouldn’t have been that different except there wouldn’t have been yet another secret.


              • kate38
                  October 22, 2021 at 12:30 pm #10625

                  “One of my favorite scenes and lines of all time is when Yellow Eyes gives Jake the Colt and tells him it’s the only gun in the universe that can kill him and of course Jake immediately points it at his head…causing Yellow Eyes to respond with utmost sarcasm, “Oh my, I’m shocked at this…unforeseen turn of events.” Kills me every time. That delivery was perfect. He crafted a very good character in yellow eyes. Disarmingly funny while being so cruel and deadly. This was later part of the Lucifer approach, but I loved it here.”

                  I LOVE Fred Lane as Azazel! I can’t imagine how he could’ve played that role any better. For me, Fred Lane personifies Azazel like Chris Heyerdahl is the perfect Alistair.


              • PigNaPoke
                  October 22, 2021 at 12:30 pm #10523

                  Ahh…this is the first time we hear “Carry On” in a season finale. That song will never be the same for me. It will always have meaning and will always make me a little sad. 🙁

                  Interesting point, kate!
                  Was the meaning of the refrain of “Carry On” ever positive for you?? Like, did it mean to you that there would be rest and a good life at the end?

                  For me it never was. I always understood the lyrics to mean they’ll be peace when you are dead.

                  Morbid, I know, but to me the song is about a person who toils and gets tossed around by life and beaten down with little hope for something better, but a peace at the very end of the road aka death.


                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by PigNaPokePigNaPoke.
                  • kate38
                      October 22, 2021 at 12:30 pm #10626

                      I guess I never saw it as death being the only peace. The song talks about rising above the stormy seas and confusion to find a course — or to find clarity. I thought that when you find your clarity, destiny, direction, happiness or whatever, you’ll be at peace. Plus, it’s just generally a cool song 🙂

                      Since about season 3 or 4, the song reminds me that there won’t be any new episodes for a while (at least a few months), which makes me sad. And with each passing season, it started feeling more and more unlikely that the show would continue, which also made me sad. So now, the song just makes me sad…


                  • PigNaPoke
                      October 22, 2021 at 12:30 pm #10524

                      I LOVE the backstory about Samuel Colt and the devil’s trap. That’s so ingenious! Question: Did Colt’s railway fail? The demons blasted through it, right?

                      I always understood that JAKE laid a charge and blew the rail road tracks? We seen them ripped apart in one shot. To me they needed a human both to enter the devils trap to get to the Hell gate AND to take care of an escape route.

                      But I could be totally wrong.

                    • PigNaPoke
                        October 22, 2021 at 12:30 pm #10525

                        Another question: When Dean gets to the crossroads, Lloyd’s bar isn’t there. Do you guys think that was an oversight? I guess we’re supposed to believe that Dean found another crossroad that just happened to have enough loose gravel so he could dig a hole with his bare hands. Okay…

                        I always understood ANY cross roads to work for a deal as long as you put the right stuff into the box.

                        • kate38
                            October 22, 2021 at 12:30 pm #10628

                            You’re probably right. In “Crossroad Blues” there were Yarrow flowers at the crossroad next to Lloyd’s bar. I guess I thought that those flowers (and some sort of mystical energy associated with them) made that particular crossroad special in some way. That’s probably just one more detail the writers chose to discard as the show continued.


                        • PigNaPoke
                            October 22, 2021 at 12:30 pm #10526

                            When Azazel was taunting Dean in the graveyard, he implied that what was resurrected might not have been “100% Sam”. Do you guys think the writers were initially going to take the story that way but changed their minds between seasons 2 and 3? Or do you think that was just a misdirect? I’m curious, because early in season 3 (“Sin City”, I think), Dean asks Bobby the same thing about Sam. It really made me wonder. And wouldn’t it have been VERY Interesting if the story had actually gone that way?

                            I always thought they left the door open a little to potentially make Sam semi-evil? Didn’t I read that in an interview somewhere that Kripke didn’t intend at the beginning that the brothers would necessarily end up on the same side?

                            I do think that Azazel was just messing with Dean, but I also think that the writers kept some doubt in Dean’s mind for a long while, maybe even after his stint in Hell.


                          • PigNaPoke
                              October 22, 2021 at 12:30 pm #10527

                              What a GREAT season finale!! I remember watching it the first time and being amazed at the span of emotions I went through from BAWLING my eyes out at Dean’s pain in the beginning to immense relief at getting Sam back to cheering for Ellen’s return and the triumph at the cemetery to tentative hope that they would figure out a way to save Dean.
                              MAN, rollercoaster doesn’t even cover it. It was an emotional marathon. And THEN…..you wait for months during hellatus to even hear if you ever will find out what happens next or if that was IT for the series. LOL.

                              Anyhow, a really good episode.

                              Yes, you both already said it, but there can NEVER be enough praise for Jensen on his acting! Considering this was only season two and he said many times they were still finding their legs as the characters, it’s still a scene that stands TALL and true all these years later. BRAVO

                              I always particularly admired Jensen for the quick change of emotion he can pull of with so much nuance, like when he shouts at Bobby and then immediately apologizes after – twice – making the quick swivel from absolute grieve-driven anger to remorse totally real.

                              What makes me MOST sad in this episode (besides just seeing Dean in this much pain over the loss) is the fact that is really drives the point home how little Dean thinks of himself. He blames and beats himself up for failing Sam and John, then he gets further humiliated by the cross road demon basically telling him that he’s not worth anything by a pity deal of one year, then we hear him confess to Bobby that he at least wanted to pay for John’s sacrifice with his own life because he wasn’t supposed to be alive anyway….OUCH!!! SO many hits on him. It’s gut wrenching.

                              Like you, kate, I want to scream at the TV every time Dean makes that deal. I always want to tell him negotiate for more time at least. You are WORTH so much more.

                              I loved the tie in with Samuel Colt, the huge devils trap, the way the gun was the key….ALL of that was GREAT and I absolutely love that we get “Frontierland” and even more of a glimpse into that back story later. What cool idea that was.

                              I have softened a lot over the years regarding John’s way of raising the boys. I never doubted his love for them, but I do still think he failed them miserably many times and although he “did his best” it wasn’t good enough in many places. I think the older I get the more I see how hard live is for so many people and how much is out of one’s control and that has helped me be more sympathetic to John. And to see here that he crawled his way out of hell and help his sons to defeat the freaking monster that had sent them all down this road to begin with was cathartic and a great story point!!!

                              Love the whole cemetery scene with all its different views and mini actions. And the shot of Dean firing the colt was EPIC!

                              I also love the scene right after it’s all over where Sam asks Dean if he really thinks that was John and where he thinks John went. Jared manages to make Sam sound SO young and insecure here. It’s sweet and gives a glimpse at “little brother” Sam and that even big Sam still leans on Dean for assurance. Really nice moment especially in contrast to brutal Sam from before and confident Sam in the scene later where he vows to save Dean for a change. Jared does a fine job with all of that.

                              Lots to love in this episode all around.


                              • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by PigNaPokePigNaPoke.
                              • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by PigNaPokePigNaPoke.
                              • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by PigNaPokePigNaPoke.
                              • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by journalbookbinderjournalbookbinder.
                              • kate38
                                  October 22, 2021 at 12:30 pm #10629

                                  “I have softened a lot over the years regarding John’s way of raising the boys. I never doubted his love for them, but I do still think he failed them miserably many times and although he “did his best” it wasn’t good enough in many places. I think the older I get the more I see how hard live is for so many people and how much is out of one’s control and that has helped me be more sympathetic to John. And to see here that he crawled his way out of hell and help his sons to defeat the freaking monster that had sent them all down this road to begin with was cathartic and a great story point!!!”

                                  Yep, John Winchester is arguably the most controversial character in the whole series. I’ve always liked John. He clearly wasn’t perfect, but I don’t think he was a bad father. I just think he was a guy who didn’t have any good choices, so he picked the least terrible options available. I could write a book in defense of John Winchester — LOL!

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