Reply To: Lets all talk about All Hell Breaks Loose Pt. 2 (S2 E22)

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    October 27, 2021 at 9:09 am #10625

    “One of my favorite scenes and lines of all time is when Yellow Eyes gives Jake the Colt and tells him it’s the only gun in the universe that can kill him and of course Jake immediately points it at his head…causing Yellow Eyes to respond with utmost sarcasm, “Oh my, I’m shocked at this…unforeseen turn of events.” Kills me every time. That delivery was perfect. He crafted a very good character in yellow eyes. Disarmingly funny while being so cruel and deadly. This was later part of the Lucifer approach, but I loved it here.”

    I LOVE Fred Lane as Azazel! I can’t imagine how he could’ve played that role any better. For me, Fred Lane personifies Azazel like Chris Heyerdahl is the perfect Alistair.

