Family Feud Recap
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A woman is home alone. Its evening and she's preparing for bed. As she's brushing her teeth, we see a shadow move swiftly past her. Later, she's lying in bed and suddenly two grey arms reach up through the mattress and grab her around the chest. She screams and struggles as blood splatters a nearby photograph and we presume she has been murdered.
(Present Day)
Dean and Sam are in the library at the bunker. Dean is talking to Castiel on his cell phone. We overhear Dean’s end of the conversation – Castiel apparently still has no leads on where Kelly Kline might be, but he'll let Dean know if anything changes. Dean relays this information to Sam, who is at his laptop.Sam tells Dean that since they have no leads on Kelly, he found a case. He tells Dean about a murder in Des Moines Iowa – the body of a school teacher was found in the parking lot of a museum. The man’s tongue had been ripped out, and his internal organs had been crushed. The man was seen alive a few hours earlier leading a group of students through the museum on a tour. Dean suggests they call Mary, to see if she might want to work the case with them.
Meanwhile, Mary Winchester is in an abandoned industrial building of some kind, fighting with a monster. She knocks the creature to the ground and points a strange looking gun at it. The gun emits a high-pitched sound, and the creature dies painfully. Off to the side, we see Mr. Ketch emerge and click a stopwatch he’s been holding in his hand. As the camera pans back further, we see two other bodies on the floor, leading us to believe that Mary is completing some sort of test for the British Men of Letters (BMOLs). They are discussing the new weapon Mary is trying out when Mary’s phone rings.

As Mary is talking to Dean, we hear her lying to him. She tells him she’s been resting up at a motel in Newark, and that she’s too tired to help them with their hunt, but if they need her they should call her. She also tells Dean she loves him.
After Mary hangs up, Mr. Ketch compliments her on being such a good liar. Mary tells him that she hasn’t told her sons she’s working with the BMOLs. Mr. Ketch says he understands. They briefly discuss the fact that a “rogue operative” (i.e. Toni bevel) kidnapped and tortured the Winchesters, but they still have hard feelings toward the BMOLs in general. Mr. Ketch invites Mary for a drink. Later, Mr. Ketch has driven Mary back to the boarding house where she’s staying. He asks again about having a drink together, but she declines. As they’re talking, Mr. Ketch advises Mary to “disengage” herself from her sons. He tells Mary that the work she'is doing must come first, and that for him, the MOLs are his family. Mary replies that nothing comes before her family. But Mr. Ketch suggests that isn’t true. He tells her that she’s different around her sons – that she’s weaker with them. He also says that Mary is one of the best hunters he’s ever seen, and that she’s meant to be a hunter – not a mother. He challenges her, saying that she’s best with a blade in her hand, and that frightens her. Mary walks away without replying.

In Crowley’s lair (likely a cell in the palace somewhere), we see Lucifer sitting in a chair with a chain and lock around his neck, and his hands bound in chains. Crowley is verbally taunting him, telling him how he plans to humiliate him and how helpless he is. Crowley says that his people studied the molecular elements of the cage where Lucifer was imprisoned and fashioned shackles capable of keeping him bound as the cage did. Crowley also tells Lucifer how he altered Rowena’s spell so that instead of Lucifer being sent from the president’s vessel into the cage, he was sent directly into the shackles that had been created specifically to hold him. Crowley also tells Lucifer that he found his discarded vessel “a few years ago” and had his people modify it so it would be strong enough to hold him forever. Essentially, Crowley tries to make Lucifer believe that he has him bound and helpless for as long as he sees fit.

Lucifer tells Crowley that he went through a lot of trouble to get revenge, but suggests that his plan will not end well.
Dean and Sam:
As Dean and Sam are driving to Iowa that night to investigate the museum murders, Sam discovers another similar murder that happened 6 months ago in Andover, Massachusetts. The murdered woman was also a school teacher. They also discuss the phone conversation with Mary. Dean doesn’t believe Mary is “resting” and thinks she’s hiding something, but Sam maintains that Mary just needs more time.
Meanwhile, at the museum in Des Moines, a Timber Troop leader is ushering a group of boys onto a bus. They are almost ready to leave, but he excuses himself to go to the men’s room. While he’s in the bathroom, doors start slamming on their own, the lights flicker, and the temperature suddenly drops enough to freeze the water coming out of the faucet. Before the troop leader can leave, a figure appears across the room and rushes at him. The troop leader screams as the camera fades to black. The next day, Dean and Sam are dressed as Fed agents, interviewing the museum curator and searching the museum. They are already making the connection between the two teachers and the troop leader all being people who supervise children. As they are talking, Dean turns on his EMF meter, which lights up and begins to hum. They realize they're dealing with a ghost, but Sam suggests that museums commonly have ghosts tethered to some object in the museum.

The Boys continue searching the museum, and find the masthead from a wrecked 18th century ship named The Star. The ship is on loan from another museum in Andover Massachusetts. Sam begins to read the history on the vessel, and we learn that it sank off the coast of New England in 1723,.and that it was sailing to the New World from Leeds, Scotland. As Sam reads the ship’s history, Dean recalls that these details match the events surrounding Gavin McLeod’s ship. When the Winchesters realize that Crowley’s son may have information that could help their case, they call Crowley.
Lucifer is clearly not intimidated by Crowley, and is laughing at Crowley’s attempts to keep him imprisoned. Annoyed, Crowley yanks the chain around Lucifer’s neck, dragging him roughly onto the floor on his hands and knees. Crowley tells him to clean the floor. Lucifer tells Crowley that he won’t even see it coming when he and his “flesh and blood” take him down. Lucifer is clearly referring to his Nephilim. Crowley tells Lucifer that Kelly Kline has already “gotten rid of that thing” and that the Winchesters saw to it. But Lucifer tells him that isn’t true, and that he can still feel the creature’s heart and power. As they are talking, Crowley’s phone rings. It’s Dean and Sam calling to ask a favor.Crowley ridicules the Winchesters, calling them morons for letting the Nephilim live. Dean and Sam don’t offer an explanation, but ask Crowley to get in touch with Gavin because they need to talk to him. When Crowley refuses, Dean reminds him that they could have hunted Gavin down already and killed him because his existence in this time could alter human history; Dean feels that Crowley owes them a favor for that. Crowley still refuses to help them, telling the Winchesters to “fix this mess” (referring to killing the Nephilim). Lucifer has overheard the conversation, and taunts Crowley further.

Dean and Sam:
Later, we see Dean and Sam at the museum talking to Rowena. It is night time and the museum is empty. The Winchesters convince Rowena to use a tracking spell to find Gavin (off camera, they presumably tell her who Gavin is).
Outside the museum that same night, a bus load of students from a girl’s boarding school is preparing to leave. As two teachers are ushering the students onto the bus, we see a locket float through the air unseen and land in one of the teacher’s pockets.
The next day, Dean and Sam are waiting at a bus station for Gavin. When Gavin gets off the bus, he greets the Winchesters and expects to see Crowley, but the Boys tell him Crowley isn’t coming. At first, Gavin thinks the Winchesters have tricked him so they can harm him. But they tell him about the ship and show him a picture of it. They tell him there’s someone he should meet, and Rowena gets out of the Impala. They introduce Rowena as Gavin’s grandmother.

Back at the museum, Gavin is thrilled to see the remains of his ship. When the Winchesters ask about the other passengers, we learn that there was a teacher on board – a Mistress Alloway, who was a teacher in Gavin’s village. When Gavin looks through a book containing photographs of everything that was found on board, he sees a locket that he gave to his girlfriend Fiona before he was planning to leave Scotland. Dean notices that the locket was added to the collection 6 months ago (right before the first murder).
Gavin tells them that Fiona Duncan was the love of his life. When she learned he was going to the New World, she wanted to come with him. Gavin told her it was too dangerous. The night he was planning to leave, Fiona had planned to come to his home once more to try to convince him to take her along. But Abaddon got to Gavin first. The Winchesters surmise that when Fiona arrived, she thought Gavin had abandoned her. Gavin suspects that she would have stowed away on the ship. It seems that her dying on the ship in such a state of despair and rage would be enough to turn her into a vengeful spirit.
The Winchesters look for the locket, but realize that it is gone from the locked display case. When they ask the curator about it, they learn that the most recent group of students and teachers to visit the exhibit were from a girls’ boarding school.
Later that night, the two teachers from the boarding school are in the study at the school. The lights flicker, and one of the teachers goes to check the electrical panel. When she steps into the hallway, the room suddenly gets cold and a breeze from nowhere moves the curtains. As the lights flicker again, a rocking chair starts rocking by itself, and photographs fly off the wall. Suddenly, a cloaked figure rushes at her form across the room and kills her.

The other teacher closes and barricades the doors, but the ghost appears inside the room with her. The ghost flings her across the room, but before the ghost can kill her, the Winchesters break through the door and shoot the ghost with rock salt.
As the Boys help the teacher up from the floor, they tell her that she was attacked by a ghost, but it isn’t dead. They presumably lead the teacher away, because the next thing we see is Gavin alone in the study with some candles -- he is reciting a ritual to summon Fiona. The ghost appears before him and removes her cloak. She is no longer a decayed corpse, but looks like she looked when she was alive.

Fiona tells Gavin that she felt abandoned by him, and she did stow away on the ship. When the crew found her, they assaulted and abused her. The other passengers did nothing to help her, and the teacher from the village, Mistress Alloway, told Fiona that she deserved what happened because she'd “thrown” herself at Gavin. Fiona now resents teachers, who claim to help children, but don’t, so she’s been taking revenge on teachers.
Later, Gavin is in the study talking to the Winchesters and Rowena about what happened to Fiona. They presume they can’t find and burn her bones, because her remains are at the bottom of the ocean. They also discuss destroying the locket, but Sam suggests that she might be tethered to something else on the ship. After a brief discussion, they decide that the way to send Fiona to her rest and resurrect the people she killed is to send Gavin back in time so he can get aboard the ship and die with her.
Gavin agrees to die, saying he doesn’t belong in this time, anyway, and he loved Fiona, so he is willing to die if it will spare her the nightmare she is trapped in. As they're talking, Crowley appears. We learn that Gavin called Crowley to the school so he could say goodbye. Against Rowena’s protests, Crowley tries to stop Gavin from leaving with the Winchesters, but Rowena uses an incantation to freeze him. Gavin apologizes to Crowley, and leaves with the Winchesters.
Back at the bunker, we learn that Rowena has helped Dean and Sam modify the Blood-to-Blood spell that Henry Winchester and Abaddon both used to travel through time. As Sam says the incantation and activates the sigil, Fiona appears next to Gavin, and they both evaporate in a wisp of gray smoke and light.

Later, Sam and Dean are at the bunker researching the recent murders and learn that there’s no evidence of them, because sending Gavin back erased those events. As they are talking, Mary enters, bearing beer and hamburgers.

As they’re talking, Mary tells them that she’s been working with the BMOLs. She tries to convince them that they’re doing good work, they’ve saved a lot of people, and there is much to be learned from them. The Boys are clearly hurt and angry, and Sam tells Mary that they have their own toolkit, and it works just fine. He also says that for certain reasons, including broken ribs and burned feet, they don’t trust the BMOLs. Dean asks where her choice leaves them, and she says that, same as always, they’re family.

Elsewhere, we see Kelly Kline (who is clearly pregnant now) at a diner. She orders orange juice and makes small talk with the waitress, but as the waitress walks away, we see that her eyes shine blue – she’s an angel.
Later that night, Kelly is walking through an alley when she is attacked by two angels who try to kill her. One of the angels is the waitress from the diner. Suddenly, another combatant -- a woman -- appears and kills the angels (apparently without using a weapon). During the confrontation, we see the new combatant’s eyes glow yellow. After both angels are killed, Kelly is frightened and cowers against a wall, but the demon says to her “come with me if you want to live.”
Next, Kelly is at a warehouse talking to the demon who saved her. The demon introduces herself as Daegon and tells Kelly that the angels are trying to kill her and her child. She tries to convince Kelly that the angels are not all good, and demons should not be considered all bad. She says that Lucifer is an archangel who was once one of god’s most trusted. She also tells Kelly that her child is innocent and can be raised to be good; she also tells Kelly that the child is a boy. She offers to protect Kelly and her son from the angels and the Winchesters.

As the episode ends, Crowley and Rowena are at a bus station. They’re talking as Rowena is waiting for her bus. Crowley tells Rowena that what she did was wrong, and he asks her why she encouraged Gavin to die. Her reply is that her actions were payback for the time when Rowena was forced to kill Oscar -- a boy she'd grown to love as her own child. She wanted Crowley to know what if feels like to lose a son that he cared about.
She walks away, leaving Crowley with his thoughts.