TEASER: (An-Nafud Desert, Saudi Arabia)
The camera zooms in on a large tent in the middle of the desert. Inside, we see four armed men assembled and preparing to have tea. Suddenly, the wind picks up and they are alarmed. Crowley appears inside the tent with them, and they are even more alarmed. Crowley asks "Where is he?"and one of the men directs Crowley to a curtained room inside the tent.
In the room, an elderly man is lying on a bed. He is clearly ill and apparently has sent for Crowley. As they talk, we learn that the man (Noel) made a demon deal, and Crowley has agreed to break the deal if Noel gives Crowley an artifact -- the Horn of Joshua. Crowley produces a formal-looking scroll that is apparently Noel's demon deal contract. Noel shows Crowley that he has the object; Crowley can feel the energy coming from the object, so he believes it is authentic. Crowley breaks the scroll, breaking Noel's demon deal. Noel is initially relieved, but Crowley uses telekinesis to break his neck. As Noel falls over dead, the guard in the room with them runs into the outer room. Moments later, Crowley casually leaves the room, carrying the object, which is wrapped inside a piece of fabric. As soon as Crowley steps into the outer room, the four guards pull rifles on him; but he uses mind control to make them point their guns at each other right before he makes them all shoot each other.
Dean is at the bunker, talking on the phone to Crowley. Crowley tells Dean that he has a hand-of-god object that could help them against the Darkness-- OR Lucifer -- and that he wants to meet. Dean doesn't trust Crowley, but when Crowley asks if they can meet at an abandoned post office in St. Louis, Dean agrees. We also see that demons are scouring the area looking for Crowley, so he has to remain in hiding.
Meanwhile, in what looks like an abandoned industrial structure, Amara is lying on a table. As the camera pans upward, we see Rowena standing above her. Amara is saying that Rowena has promised to heal her, but she doesn't feel any different. She warns Rowena that she is not one to be trifled with. Rowena is reciting an incantation and hovering her hands over Amara's back. The area glows for a few seconds before returning to normal. Rowena says Amara is "coming along" and that she'll heal her as she has promised to. Amara realizes that Rowena is Crowley's mother, and she asks if Crowley sent Rowena to bring her back to Crowley's palace. Rowena tells Amara that she and Crowley loathe each other and he has nothing to do with her offering to help. As Amara and Rowena talk, it becomes clear that Rowena is trying to convince Amara that she can be useful in the fight against Lucifer and against god. Rowena tells Amara that Lucifer killed her, so she has a grudge against him, as well. When Amara asks how Rowena is alive if Lucifer killed her, Rowena reveals a scar on her leg. She has apparently embedded a spell inside her body, so that when Lucifer killed her, the spell sensed her dying,and brought her back to life.
Amara tells Rowena that Lucifer is currently hidden from her, and she has a score to settle with him. Rowena tells Amara that they should focus on healing her for the moment. Then, she says she believes Amara will win her battle, and when she does, Rowena wants to be beside Amara as she restructures creation to her own liking. Rowena also offers to spy on the Winchesters and on Lucifer to keep Amara informed about their plans. She also tells Amara that she cares about her and can be someone for Amara to confide in. When Amara's back is turned, however, we see that Rowena is insincere and seems disturbed by Amara's plans for destruction. But we don't know what she is planning.
Meanwhile, Dean and Sam meet Crowley at the abandoned post office. Crowley tells the Winchesters that Lucifer kept him prisoner, and humiliated him in front of the demons. He also says that, since he has escaped, Lucifer has demons scouring the Earth looking for him, so he needs Lucifer to be dealt with. Crowley is willing to give the Winchesters the Horn of Joshua if they will agree to help exorcise Lucifer from Castiel's vessel and return Lucifer to the cage. Dean and Sam remind Crowley that the cage is impenetrable, and the last time they tampered with it, they needed Rowena and the Book of the Damned to do it. Crowley tells them that Lucifer killed Rowena. Dean says they will help Crowley put Lucifer back into the cage, but only after Amara is dealt with. The Winchesters try to convince Crowley that they need Lucifer to battle Amara, because he has dealt with her before and he may be the only one powerful enough to use the Horn of Joshua against her. Then, Dean says they can't set Lucifer on Amara until after Lucifer is expelled from Castiel's vessel. Dean and Sam disagree on this point, as Sam maintains that Cas' vessel is strong enough to hold Lucifer and that Cas chose to be Lucifer's vessel. Dean maintains that they can't allow Cas to make such a sacrifice that could kill him. Crowley chides the Winchesters for bickering and reasserts his demand that the Horn of Joshua stays hidden until Lucifer is back in his cage.
Meanwhile, in heaven, Lucifer appears to an angel named Jofiel, who is monitoring the soul compartments in heaven. Jofiel tries to warn the other angels that Lucifer is among them, but Lucifer kills him before he can. Then, we see Lucifer in a room talking with a group of angels. They believe that he is evil incarnate, but he tries to convince them that humanity is evil, and he has been misjudged. He also tries to tell them that they need his help against the Darkness, because the collective power of heaven was not enough to stop her. He offers to deal with the Darkness; but afterward, he expects to remain in heaven.
We return to Rowena and Amara in Amara's lair. Amara is feeling better and decides to try out her powers. She extends her hands skyward, and a powerful blast of energy erupts from her body. In heaven, the ground shakes briefly and the lights flicker. Then, the angels see a powerful, churning wave of grey smoke rushing through the corridors of heaven. The wind/smoke blasts into the room where the angels are assembled, knocking over angels and furniture. Lucifer is also thrown to the ground. On Earth, Dean, Sam and Crowley hear a noise that sounds somewhat like thunder. They step outside and look up to see that the sky has changed colors, and strange lights seem to be erupting from within clouds that look like they're boiling. Dean says that he thinks it's Amara. In heaven, the angels pick each other up from the floor, and Lucifer tells them that Amara is paying them back for the angel smiting. He also tells them that this is just a taste of what's to come, and they need him, because god doesn't care about them.
Back on Earth, Sam and Dean tell Crowley that Amara is clearly a bigger threat than Lucifer is. As they continue to argue, we see that Rowena is working a spell that let's her see and hear them, so she overhears their conversation. When Amara asks what the Winchesters are doing, Rowena lies and tells Amara that the Winchesters are paralyzed with fear and don't know what to do. As Sam, Dean and Crowley continue to argue, we see letters suddenly burning into a metal container and a message emerges: "Back from the dead, Fergus!"
Next, we see the Winchesters and Rowena in an abandoned church. Dean is painting a strange, circular sigil on the floor, and Sam has placed a large, wooden cross on one of the pews. We also see that a modified angel-banishing sigil has been painted onto a small bench, and Dean is turning the sigil around to hide it. In a far corner, Rowena is standing over a table that holds candles, a large bowl, and other tools for spell work. Crowley shows up with the Horn of Joshua wrapped in a piece of fabric. When Crowley asks Rowena where she has been all this time, she lies and says that she's been hiding from Lucifer. With everyone assembled, and the necessary tools, Dean summons Lucifer.
Accompanied by lightning, Lucifer appears inside the circular sigil on the floor. As soon as Lucifer appears, Sam lights and tosses a book of matches onto the floor, and we see that Lucifer is standing in the middle of a ring of holy fire. Lucifer sees the Horn of Joshua and tells the Winchesters to extinguish the holy fire. Instead, Dean cuts his hand and slaps it against the sigil drawn on the bench. The sigil glows, as does the sigil Lucifer is standing on top of. Cas' body starts to shake, and Dean commands Castiel to show himself. Lucifer's expression changes, and we see Castiel's personality emerge. Dean tries to talk to him, but the spell fails before Dean can finish. Lucifer returns, and now he knows the Winchesters are up to something. Dean shouts for Castiel to expel Lucifer, but Lucifer taunts him. Lucifer demands the weapon, and says that the warding spell will fail soon, at which point he'll just take it. As everyone watches, the sigils begin to fade. Suddenly, Crowley's body goes limp, as red smoke erupts from his mouth, sails across the room, and goes down Lucifer's throat.
Inside Castiel's mind/vessel, we see Cas (in his mind) in the bunker's kitchen, watching television. He tells Crowley that he comes to this place to pass the time and because it has good reception. Crowley tries to convince Castiel to expel Lucifer. He tells him that the Winchesters have Lucifer trapped and he needs to act quickly. Castiel realizes that he heard Dean's voice trying to tell him to expel Lucifer, but Cas is calm and distracted, and doesn't do it. Crowley tells Cas that they don't have much time. But as he's talking, Lucifer enters the room. Lucifer starts beating Crowley, throwing him around the room, and berating him.
Meanwhile, at the church, Dean, Sam, and Rowena are waiting to see if Crowley will be able to convince Cas to expel Lucifer. Suddenly, they hear a sizzling sound, and they turn around to Crowley's body. The words "Help Me" erupt as a brand on Crowley's forehead. Sam quickly grabs the large cross and begins reciting an exorcism, while Dean flings holy water on Cas' vessel in an effort to help expel Crowley. Just as Lucifer has Crowley by the throat and is ready to kill him, red smoke erupts from Cas' mouth and Crowley is expelled. Back in his meatsuit, Crowley tells the Winchesters that Lucifer's hold on Castiel is too strong, so he wasn't able to convince him.
As everyone looks on, the fire goes out and Lucifer is no longer bound by the holy fire. Rowena runs behind a wall and hides. Similarly, Crowley disappears. Lucifer takes the Horn of Joshua, and forces the Winchesters to sit down on benches as he prepares to kill them.
Before Lucifer can kill the Winchesters, the wall of the church explodes and Amara walks in. She says she tracked Rowena to the church when she disappeared. Lucifer tries to use the Horn of Joshua to kill Rowena, but it doesn't work. A blast of light shoots out from the Horn and hits Amara, but the light fades and she is unharmed. Amara uses telekinesis to draw Lucifer to her, and tells him that they need to talk. Dean calls Cas, trying once more to reach him. Cas doesn't turn around, but Amara sees Dean and Sam and releases them. A bright flash of light envelopes Amara and Lucifer, and when it's gone, they have disappeared. Rowena runs away, and the Winchesters are alone in the church.
Back at the bunker, Sam and Dean discuss what to do next. They decide that Rowena is sucking up to Amara, because she learned that sucking up to Lucifer didn't work. Dean also surmises that if the hand-of-god weapons must be used by one of god's chosen, maybe Lucifer is not fit to wield one. Nevertheless, the Horn of Joshua, like the other hand-of-god weapons, can only be used once, so they're back to square one.
Sam apologizes for being willing to sacrifice Cas. But Dean reminds him of their "deal" that once one of them makes a decision, the others have to respect it. They both agree that it's a good policy. But then Dean says "So, let's go find that idiot and bring him home." Sam nods in agreement.
Meanwhile, at Amara's lair, we see that Lucifer's face is bleeding and Amara has been slamming him around and punishing him. Lucifer offers his services, saying he can be of use to her. He says they both have an ax to grid with god, and Lucifer says he knows god's soft spots. He suggests that if they team up, god wouldn't be able to handle their collective power. Amara doesn't trust Lucifer. She says she trusted Lucifer once, but he conspired with god to seal her away. However, she agrees with Lucifer that he could be of use. She says that as god's first son and his favorite, Lucifer might be the one thing in god's creation that he still cares about. She thinks she can use Lucifer to get god to show himself, so she can confront him, he can acknowledge the wrongs he's done, and then he can witness the utter destruction of all his creation before he himself is "swept away". Lucifer says god won't show, but Amara zaps him with a beam of energy to torture him. Lucifer screams in pain as Castiel's vessel glows.