The episode opens with Dean and Sam in a cabin in the woods. They are trying to find out what Dick Roman is going to do with all the sites he has bought up, but they have no clue. Dean opens Bobby’s flask, then the lights flicker and Bobby’s ghost appears – briefly – then disappears and reappears again. He explains he has to focus for them to see him, and all his previous activity has drained him. He tells them that the numbers he wrote on Sam’s hand just before he died, which were coordinates referring to a site Dick had acquired months before, is going to be a slaughterhouse for humans. When Bobby finds out it is April he says it’s already started … Dick has bought up lots of companies involved in selling food and they are going to give humans whatever they put in the ‘turducken slammer’ that Dean ate in Biggersons’ Restaurant in ‘How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters’ – it contained a grey goo that made him ‘high’ and at the same time totally apathetic about everything. Bobby says the leviathans are planning to cure all major diseases like cancer etc. and make humans the ‘perfect herd’ for them to eat, and their food additives will make people so docile they will just walk into the meat factories to be killed and eaten…
The scene changes to a woman trying to hack into a computer… then it goes back to Sam, who has just received an email from Frank Deveraux. He tells them he’s already dead and the message has been triggered because someone is trying to hack his hard drive, which contains all sorts of information about them and their new aliases, plus where the Impala is stored – Dean’s response of ‘Baby?’ and his look of concern is priceless! Frank put a tracker in his hard drive, and The Boys see it is in the headquarters of Richard Roman Enterprises (RRE)!
The scene shifts back to five hours earlier, with the woman hacking Frank’s hard drive entering the headquarters. She is Charley (Charlene) Bradbury, a brilliant computer programmer…She is ordered to her supervisor’s office where she meets Dick Roman. He alludes in a barely disguised way to the leviathans’ ability to copy people – although he says he couldn’t copy her uniqueness – and to leviathans eating them, and he gives her the job of cracking Frank’s hard drive in three days, or she will be fired. Charley goes back to her desk and tries to hack it, with no results …
The scene shifts back to Dean and Sam in real time, when they’ve just found out where the drive is. Dean says they’ll go off to Chicago (where located) but Bobby doesn’t want them to go, he thinks it’s too dangerous for them as their faces are well known. He wants to post his flask into the building and look around himself, but Dean and Sam are worried he’ll turn vengeful if he sees Dick, who shot and killed him. They leave, and Bobby is left there, looking angry …
Scene changes back to RRE, the next day. Charley has been there all night but she has finally hacked Frank’s drive! She sees a folder for RRE and decides to look at it instead of taking the drive straight to Dick … She reads Frank’s information on leviathans, their shape-shifting and cloning abilities, bleeding black goo etc. and that Dick Roman runs the show! She thinks this is madness and goes to see Pete, her supervisor, who is in the garage, smoking, but when she gets there she sees Dick Roman with another man, who grabs Pete, turns into his form and then eats him!
Charley is now in her apartment, packing things in a bag. She gets a call from ‘Pete’ and tells him she isn’t feeling well but she’ll be back in the office the next day. She sees a figure – an ornament – moving slightly and thinks someone else is in the apartment but she dismisses it; however as she’s about to leave Dean appears and shuts the door. She thinks he’s a leviathan and when Sam suddenly appears too she attacks him with a fake sword! Dean shows her he and Sam are just people by spilling Borax on their hands, and she has to do the same to prove she’s human too. She asks them who they are …
The scene changes to an advert for Sucrocorp, a company Dick has bought … It supplies food products to the American market … then back to Dean, Sam and Charley … The Boys tell Charlie they hunt monsters and Sam tells her that Dick is the Head Leviathan. He asks her to hack Dick’s email and Dean says they are looking for information on Dick’s archaeological digs around the world but she finds out his email is on a private server and can only be accessed from his phone or in his office, and she’s the only one of them who can do it … She agrees to help them, to wipe Frank’s hard drive to protect her and them, and while she’s there she will access Dick’s emails because she wants to help them stop the leviathans killing people. While they are discussing re-routing the surveillance cameras Bobby is looking on, unseen….
The scene changes to Charley about to enter the building. The Boys are nearby in a van, watching her on video. Charlie has re-routed the surveillance cameras so they can feed a pre-recorded loop through them to give her fifteen minutes in Dick’s office to hack his emails, but Dean spots Bobby’s flask in her bag and they realize Bobby’s done that so he can go inside with her, but there’s nothing they can do now – no time to change their plans …
Charley finds she can’t move, she’s too frightened to go inside, but then there’s a funny scene where Sam asks her who her favorite Harry Potter character is – she says Hermione – and he asks her if Hermione gave up on Sirius Black and so on, leaving Dean just staring in amazement. Sam gets Charley to believe in herself and she goes in, while Dean says, ‘You go, Dumbledork’ to Sam!
Charley goes up to the fourth floor – her floor – and then swaps the magnetic strip on her security card for one allowing her to go up to the eleventh floor, where Dick’s office is, but Bobby is riding with her in the elevator, unseen, smiling …
Charley gets out of the elevator but there’s a security guard between her and the office and he sits down. When he doesn’t move, Dean says she’ll have to flirt her way past the guy, but she says she can’t because he’s not her type, but then after some prompting by Dean she says she’s gay. He tries to give her some tips on flirting, telling her to show the guard any tattoos she has (hence the title, I think) – ‘tattoos are sexy’, Dean says – but it isn’t working, so then Dean says ‘he’ll walk her through it’ and then follows the funniest scene in the episode … Dean tells Charley exactly what to say to the guard and the screen splits into three images of Dean, Charley and the guard, with Dean flirting with the guard, using Charley as his ‘mouthpiece’. Sam is laughing all the while Dean plays ‘the girl’ and when Dean tells Sam to shut up, Charley is so nervous she repeats that as well, and the conversation goes downhill from there! However, with Dean’s continued help Charley manages to get the guard to let her use the executive washroom – not before she and Dean agree they both feel dirty – and she goes into Dick’s office and starts to copy his emails. Meanwhile the guard comes looking for her and when he knocks on the washroom door, which is near Dick’s office, Bobby can see him through the office door, which Charley left ajar. Bobby manages to close it but the guard hears the noise and comes to investigate …
When the guard opens the door, he sees Charley’s bag on Dick’s desk, and she emerges from the bathroom. She manages to distract him by giving him her phone number and removes the memory stick containing the copied files from the computer, and then she leaves. She returns to her desk and sends The Boys all Dick’s emails …
‘Fake Pete’, her boss, arrives to remind her of the deadline to crack the hard-drive but she manages to send him off without suspicion. Dean wants her to leave because of the danger, but she wants to finish the job. She looks at the emails and sees that all the digging has stopped and Dean says Dick must have found what he was looking for. Charley finds out that a package from Iran is due to arrive at the nearby Downey Airport in 42 minutes, and Dean asks her to do one more thing and then get out. The scene changes to Dick on the phone outside his headquarters: he’s told of the package’s arrival by a leviathan waiting to collect it outside the airport …The scene switches back to Charley, who has finished deleting the dangerous information on Frank’s hard-drive and is just about to leave, when Dick turns up …
The scene switches back to the airport again, where the plane is just landing. The leviathan picks up the suitcase and heads off to see Dick. As he leaves the airport, Dean and Sam are watching … The leviathan opens the case in Dick’s office, but it’s a time-bomb filled with Borax …
The scene switches back to two hours earlier, with Charley speaking to Dean. His ‘favor’ was to ask if Charley could buy them some more time before the package was delivered, and she arranges for an email to be sent to Dick saying the package would take another thirty minutes to arrive. The scene then changes to replaying the pick-up of the case at the airport by the courier. Dean and Sam are there unloading the plane, and they switch cases, taking Dick’s package and leaving the Borax bomb for the courier!
The scene then switches back to Dick meeting Charley earlier. He asks to see what she has found …then the scene switches back to Dean and Sam at the airport after they switched cases. When Dean opens it, they find it contains a lump of red clay … They are expecting to hear from Charley but she hasn’t called … Meanwhile, back at the office, Dick asks Charley if she’s found anything on the hard-drive about his company, or about Dean and Sam Winchester; she says no, but Bobby has appeared now and he’s angry at Dick; the room temperature drops … Dick asks her to send him all the information on the drive and then takes a phone call telling him the package has arrived. He tells Charley to stay there and goes up to his office. Charley is leaving at the time the case is opened and the bomb goes off; Dick is hardly affected by it and he calls security to tell them to lock the building just before Charlie can get out…
Dick and ‘fake Pete’ head down towards the entrance and Bobby puts his hands on the glass windows to the outside and cracks but doesn’t shatter the glass; meanwhile ‘fake Pete’ heads towards Charlie, but Bobby intercepts him and throws him in Charley’s direction, and ‘fake Pete’ hits her hard, hurting her. The Boys then arrive to save Charley; they jump in through the cracked glass, which now shatters. Dean throws Borax over ‘fake Pete’ and Sam knocks the security man out, then picks Charley up. Dick is going to deal with them but then Bobby attacks him; The Boys see Bobby or a second, then he disappears again; and they make their escape while Bobby is fighting Dick. In the car, Charley passes out while Bobby is looking on ….
The scene changes back to Dick who is furious The Boys have his package. He calls someone to get it back, and then eats the unlucky courier ...
Then, back to Dean, Sam and Charley leaving the hospital and saying their goodbyes. Dean tells her to be careful but she says she’s disappeared before – Charley Bradbury isn’t her real name – and she leaves on a bus. Sam is worried and talks to Dean about Bobby before they get back to their car. Charley left Bobby’s flask in the car so his spirit might be there. Sam says that Bobby broke Charley’s arm and he’s behaving like a vengeful spirit where Dick is concerned, and if it continues, Bobby won’t be Bobby anymore … Dean defends Bobby, saying it was accidental but he also says they’ll figure out what to do about Bobby when they know what the package is … |