Appointment in Samarra

EPISODE 612: LIKE A VIRGIN Appointment In Samarra Episode 611 airdate: December 10, 2010 directed by Mike Rohl written by Sera Gamble, Robert Singer Death is back! And he has an appointment with Dean, who asks for help getting Sam’s soul back. Death will help, as long as Dean covers for him for a day…

Appointment in Samarra Cast

Writers: Sera Gamble Robert Singer Director: Mike Rohl Stars: Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester) Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester) Recurring Roles: Jim Beaver (Bobby Singer) Lindsey McKeon (Tessa) Julian Richings (Death) Sebastian Roché (Balthazar) Guest Stars: Robert Englund Dr. Robert Michelle Creber Hilary Alison Araya Jolene Danielle Benton Eva Bruce Dawson Dr. Owens Paul Bae Asian Store…

Appointment in Samarra Quotes

EPISODE 611: APPOINTMENT IN SAMARRA Death – “Don’t roll your eyes, Dean. It’s impolite.” Death – “You and your brother keep coming back. You’re an affront to the balance of the universe, and you cause disruption on a global scale.” Dean – “I apologize for that.” Death – “But you have use. Right now you’re…