Bedtime Stories Quotes

EPISODE 305: BEDTIME STORIES Dean: I thought all those things ended with everyone living happily ever after. Sam: No, no, not the originals. See, the Grimm Brothers stuff was kind of like the folklore of its day, full of sex, violence, cannibalism. Now, it got sanitized over the years and turned into Disney flicks and…

Bedtime Stories Recap

Back to Bedtime Stories We begin with the three little pigs… I mean three chubby brothers who are surveying the status of their construction site. They’ve got a whole crew coming in the morning, but their wood is warped. “Should have used cinder block, like I wanted,” snorts one little piggy. Out in the distance,…

Bedtime Stories

Episode 306: Red Sky at Morning TITLE: Bedtime Stories Episode 305 airdate: 1 November 2007 directed by Mike Rohl written by Eric Kripke, Cathryn Humphris We begin with the three little pigs… I mean three chubby brothers who are surveying the status of their construction site. They’ve got a whole crew coming in the morning,…

Bedtime Stories Cast

Writer: Cathryn Humphris Director: Mike Rohl Stars: Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester) Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester) Guest Stars: Derek Lowe (EMT) Mary Black (Grandmother) Victoria Duffield (Granddaughter) Patrick Gilmore (Ken Watson) Sandra McCoy (Crossroad Demon) Maxine Miller (Old Woman) Robert Coleman (Jack Baycon) Ava Rebecca Hughes (Callie, 8 years old) Aron Eastwood (Wolf-Man) Kimberley Warnat (Julie)…

Bedtime Stories Trivia

EPISODE 305: BEDTIME STORIES The fairy tales referred to in this episode are: The Three Little Pigs Hansel and Gretel Cinderella Little Red Riding Hood Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The guy who turns out to be the “Big Bad Wolf” has a tattoo of the Wile E. Coyote, the long-time nemesis of the…

Bedtime Stories Allusions

EPISODE 305: BEDTIME STORIES Crossroads Demon: Doth protest too much if you ask me. This is an allusion to Shakespeare’s Hamlet, act 3, scene 2. “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” Commonly misquoted with the methinks at the beginning Dean: I’m Detective Plant. This is Detective Page. Jimmy Page and Robert Plant were the…