Reply To: Let’s all talk about – The Winchesters – Teach Your Children Well (S1 E2)

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    October 19, 2022 at 8:29 pm #21991

    Stedan – All really good comments and I feel similarly about how I was drawn in to SPN IMMEDIATELY and that has not been the case here as far as feeling immediately caring about the characters. But I do have hope and will keep watching. I am not sure what is going on with the comments you are leaving and the boxes. I will get with my wiki technical advisor and ask her; but I am understanding your comments in spite of the boxes! Can I ask what you are commenting on ? Cell phone? Laptop?

    And yes, WHERE IS DEANNA in all this? With her daughter out hunting and Samuel missing?

    Maybe it is harder to feel worry, etc. for the characters when we know what the future holds for them? We did not know for Sam and Dean. Good point.
