Let’s all talk about Drag Me Away (From You) (S15 E16)

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    • journalbookbinder
        October 19, 2020 at 10:02 am #2929

        This looks like the last stand-alone episode before we start getting into the final…everything. One more flashback to Sam and Dean as kids. From the photos, it looks like Dean does get to talk to Billie a bit in this one. It’s hard to think of any actor playing young and Sam and Dean other than the perfect casting of the Supernatural Christmas episode. As someone pointed out on Twitter, Colin Ford (young Sam in that one) is now older than Jared was when he started filming Supernatural. Wow. This show does a great job with casting though, so we’ll see how it goes. It will at the very least add to their backstory.

      • kate38
          October 19, 2020 at 10:02 am #2964

          Very creepy monster! I liked this case. I also liked the episode in general. The baba yaga is a real monster, too – some sort of Slavic, child-eating monster. Pretty cool.

          Whoever wrote this episode seems to not like Dean very much. I don’t think Dean would’ve been that much of a jerk about the college booklet. The same nurturing, protective Dean from “After School Special” wouldn’t have behaved that way. He wouldn’t have called Sam a “dumba**” and said there was no way he’d get into college. Dean always knew Sam was smart, so that doesn’t make sense. Also, Dean was very quick to dismiss the case. That doesn’t seem like his style — especially since he had history with Caitlin. And Sam was right at the end of the episode – he and Dean seem like they should be past keeping secrets at this point. I think Dean would’ve told him sooner about the Billie/Jack plan. It might just be me, but this seemed like a Dean-negative episode.

          I tend to like the wee-Chester episodes, because they almost always reveal something we didn’t know about these characters. But this one didn’t do that for me.

          A few confusing points:
          1. In the opening teaser, Travis looked OLDER than Dean and Sam. So, I was surprised in the flashback when he was a few years younger. Couldn’t they just have found a younger actor to play adult Travis?

          2. When the kids were trying to use a map to locate the missing children, Sam used Milk Duds to mark the abduction sites, but he was sitting right in front of a cup that held pens and pencils. Why wouldn’t he just use one of the pens or pencils?

          3. Billie said that Jack agreed to the suicide plan because he wanted Dean’s forgiveness for killing Mary, and he thinks sacrificing himself is the only way Dean will forgive him. But Jack made the deal with Billie when he was still in the Empty and didn’t have his soul. He didn’t feel remorse for murdering Mary, and even blamed Mary herself for what happened. It doesn’t make sense to me that he’d make that deal with Billie so Dean would forgive him, because at the time he made the deal, he wouldn’t have cared.

          We’ve seen young Travis before. I think he was a kid named “Max”, but I can’t recall the episode. Anybody got that one? He looks vey familiar.

          Anyway, I give this one a solid A-minus. Good story, creepy monster, Billie appearance, and it moved the main plot forward.


          • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by kate38kate38.
        • journalbookbinder
            October 19, 2020 at 10:02 am #2968

            I was happily surprised by this one. I liked that we got a scary monster! I felt this young Dean may have watched Supernatural Christmas Dean because there were a few similarities in mannerisms. I DO think Dean at that age could have lashed out at Sam’s wish to go to college one day because HE didn’t want to lose Sam – likes seeing them as a team – the only one who truly understood their lives. I think he was mean to Sam out of fear of losing him (calling him dumb).

            I was glad at the end that Sam finally just got completely fed-up-mad about Dean keeping secrets. That was the appropriate response. I do not like that tired old theme (brothers at odds) somehow being thought of as necessary AGAIN by the writers – really? Do they have to go into the final battle at odds?

            Will Dean TRUST SAM as a result of this? Will he go with whatever idea Sam will come up with (I believe) to attempt to save Jack?

            I agree, Kate, the idea that Jack is sacrificing himself to try to get Dean to forgive him for Mary does not make sense with the timeline.

            Anyone else wonder why the bong-smoking desk clerk was added? I guess it was supposed to be funny?

            Overall, I really liked this one. Only 4 left now. I think it’s all in to the final showdown now. And we get what looks like a humorous (?) Adam (Adam and Eve Adam) next week.

          • PigNaPoke
              October 19, 2020 at 10:02 am #2969

              Oooohhh, yesssss!!!

              What GREAT episode!! I was really enjoying everything about it!!!

              Scary monster (glad they finally used the Baba Yaga!!), creepy children, good effects, great motel rooms and locations. A real throw back to “old style” episodes.

              I always loved the flash back episodes and I was a little apprehensive to have one so late in the game and with new young actors, but my worry was unnecessary. The young actors, especially young Dean, were very well chosen and did an excellent job.

              I appreciated the look into the relationship between young Dean and Sam. Dean’s discovery that Sam was interested in college and his immediate dismissal of the possibility was classic Dean as was the end where he kinda apologized in a roundabout way by praising Sam by saying they were a good team. Basically asking Sam not to leave.

              Poor Dean starting early with keeping secrets to protect other from nightmares that then plague him for a long time. Hard to watch but also very Dean.

              The theme of “lies don’t ever pay off” was loud and clear and not new, but well executed and led to a great scene at the end!

              I actually LOVED that Sam blew up and snapped at Dean!!! Of course, I don’t want them to fight, but it is high freaking time that Dean takes Sam’s ability to deal seriously and doesn’t make decisions above his head. Saying that he did it because he knew Sam couldn’t handle it is pretty insulting to a person who has been steadfast by your side for this whole season!! There is no reason to think that they can’t at least have a discussion about it. Then tension between them at the very end and the disappointment from Sam at being pushed aside was palpable and acted to perfection !

              They also BOTH should have a talk with Jack about it. He has the right to have an opinion and sacrifice himself of he chooses to. That is not the Winchesters’ decision. They can try to talk him out of it. They can try to find and offer him another option. But they shouldn’t just decide for him.

              Despite the high emotion end to it I very much loved it.

              • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by PigNaPokePigNaPoke.
            • PigNaPoke
                October 19, 2020 at 10:02 am #2971

                Hey kate38,
                Didn’t you hear Mussorgsky’s Pictures of an Exhibition in your head!? I love the Baba Yaga bit of that!

              • PigNaPoke
                  October 19, 2020 at 10:02 am #2972

                  Ok, PISSED OFF!!
                  I wrote a whole reply and it disappeared!
                  I’ll rewrite it tomorrow.


                  Basically I loved it and agree with much of JBB’s. Including that I found it very true to character for young Dean to be worried about Sam leaving him for college and snapping at him for even considering it! And then he kinda sweetly tried to get back in Sam’s good graces by telling him what a good team they made.

                  Kate38, regarding your point:

                  “Billie said that Jack agreed to the suicide plan because he wanted Dean’s forgiveness for killing Mary, and he thinks sacrificing himself is the only way Dean will forgive him. But Jack made the deal with Billie when he was still in the Empty and didn’t have his soul. He didn’t feel remorse for murdering Mary, and even blamed Mary herself for what happened. It doesn’t make sense to me that he’d make that deal with Billie so Dean would forgive him, because at the time he made the deal, he wouldn’t have cared.”

                  I understood that as something Billie said to Dean to get DEAN on board as she knows well that Dean understands and respects selfsacrifice!!! After all Dean killed himself to attract her attention and bargain for Sam’s live with his own.
                  I don’t necessarily think Jack actually said that !

                  And regarding “After School Special”. I always thought THAT was a somewhat Dean critical and negative episode. Yes, Dean was protective of Sam and offered to set the people straight who had beaten up Sam BUT didn’t he do that when he was feeling a bit down and slighted by his own class after the two girls he fooled around with called him out on double dipping!! To me that moment of offered help always read more to me as an attempt for Dean to set his own record as tough guy right with the school. So to me that really wasn’t a stellar young Dean moment!
                  SPN Christmas young Dean, while also rough at a couple of spots, was wonderful trying to create a cool Christmas for his little brother.


                  • admin
                      October 19, 2020 at 10:02 am #2981

                      Hey PigNaPoke! Just letting you know, I found your post and published it. I worked in a new spam filter this week and for some reason it flagged your post as spam. If you see any posts disappear in the future, just check with journalbookbinder. Chances are, it is there somewhere!

                      • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by adminadmin.
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