Let’s all talk about Gimme Shelter (S15 E15)

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    • journalbookbinder
        October 15, 2020 at 12:46 pm #2878

        Our own young John Winchester, Matt Cohen, directs this one!!! I love the way this show has given directing experience to those actors who want it and have trained for it (I remember reading how Richard Speight Jr. went through a director’s apprentice program).

        After the mostly one-off episode last week (it advanced the Dean/Jack story a little), it looks like we are back to the main arc this week with separate investigations for Cas and Jack…then Sam and Dean off on their own. And Amara is back so there must be discussion about what to do to end God. I do like Amara quite a bit and the Amara/Dean dynamic. I’m looking forward to this week.

        • kate38
          October 15, 2020 at 12:46 pm #2881

          Dr. Sexy Minister – LOL!!! Speaking of cameos, did you guys recognize the storefront from “The Mentalists”? Such fun!

          YAY!! Finally, another case in New Jersey 🙂 Well, they didn’t exactly make it to New Jersey, but I appreciate the mention. And yes, I-76 can be a bear with traffic jams!

          Overall, this episode was pretty good. I liked the case – “Saw” meets “Seven”. It was creepy and kept me interested. I gotta say, from the Benders to Thinman and beyond – humans make the creepiest villains.

          I LOVED seeing Cas get a little bit of his mojo back! I’ve missed our badass seraph.

          Jensen was amazing (as usual) in that scene with Emily. He just sells emotion SO well! I completely believed them both. Amara gave good explanations for why she brought Mary back, and Dean’s rage and sadness were palpable. I’ll say it once more for those in the back of the room – Jensen deserves ALL the Emmys.

          I don’t want to keep harping on Jack, but I have to say this. I KNEW Jack was lying and hiding something. I’ve also been pretty sure for a long time that Billie’s plan will kill him if he goes all the way. Of course, Cas will probably die trying to save jack, but that ending is predictable, so I hope it’s something else. I don’t want Cas to die, but I fear he will.

        • journalbookbinder
            October 15, 2020 at 12:46 pm #2882

            Well I think young John Winchester did a fine job directing that one! I was surprised there was humor from Davy Perez because he’s usually their go-to horror writer (there were definitely traditional horror elements). I did not see the perpetrator coming, so they got me there. We usually don’t get so much Cas and I actually enjoyed Cas (boy do I ever miss when demons were scary though – was it insinuated that the demon made her do it?). So, will Cas give his life for Jack’s now? I’m guessing he will.

            Sam and Dean – Sam did not have much of a role in this one. Dean was perfect. Funny, angry, determined, just had to know WHY Amara brought Mary back and I enjoyed that explanation though I could have also kept believing that Amara just wanted to give him a gift with Mary. I liked this one. Dean’s very compelling, but I did not totally buy that that’s all it took to talk Amara into helping them take down Chuck. I love that Dean couldn’t leave it alone though without getting some answers and giving it one more try.

            • kate38
              October 15, 2020 at 12:46 pm #2883

              “I do like Amara quite a bit and the Amara/Dean dynamic. “

              So do I, JBB! They have been wonderful together since their very first scene.

              I’m glad Amara will have an important role in all of this. She deserves it. I don’t want Chuck to die, so I’m hoping Amara’s involvement takes this in a different direction.

              Speaking of Amara. Interesting note that the separation of Chuck and Amara generated the big bang. So….what do we think is gonna happen if they try to lock one of them up again?

            • journalbookbinder
                October 15, 2020 at 12:46 pm #2884

                P.S. – New Jersey – I grew up off exit 11 on interstate 78 – not 76, but just a bit north. ?

                • kate38
                  October 15, 2020 at 12:46 pm #2888

                  ” I did not see the perpetrator coming, so they got me there. We usually don’t get so much Cas and I actually enjoyed Cas (boy do I ever miss when demons were scary though – was it insinuated that the demon made her do it?).”

                  I didn’t suspect the girl, either. I was wondering what the deal was when she leaves in a car being driven by a crossroad demon. Maybe you’re right and the demon put her up to it. So, the demon was lying to Cas.

                  • kate38
                    October 15, 2020 at 12:46 pm #2889

                    “P.S. – New Jersey – I grew up off exit 11 on interstate 78 – not 76, but just a bit north.” ?

                    I gave them some poetic license there, JBB :). I-276 is the turnpike, which they could have taken from PA into NJ. That said, I-276, I-676, and I-76 are all plagued by frequent traffic jams.
                    You and I have both driven from NJ to the midwest, and it makes more sense to take I-80 and I-90, but that’s just me being nitpicky :).

                  • PigNaPoke
                      October 15, 2020 at 12:46 pm #2893

                      WOW, fellow fans! In Kevin Tran’s words: “WHAT IS HAPPENING????”

                      I was thoroughly bored with this one!!!!

                      Fine direction by Matt Cohen, I give you that! Liked the locations, the lighting, the camera angles. Couldn’t get into “the case” at all.

                      I thought the girl was the “monster” as soon as we found out that the pastor was her dad and that he had changed the MO of the “faith based community”. And I didn’t care.
                      If you go “Seven” on this one, how was Connor a liar? How did that slip of a girl overpower the LUST guy and truss him up like that? And I found it unrealistic to have her overpower her father, too.

                      The cross road demon thing was lame. Why would a cross roads demon know if any given crime in town was demon based? And why would Cas think that any random Cross Roads Demon wouldn’t lie? They didn’t even have him trapped. Just called him up for info?

                      I did find the demon’s info funny about how Rowena doesn’t believe in deals.

                      The whole case seemed forced and totally unnecessary to me. Was the WHOLE point for Jack to feel bad in the prayer circle so he tells Cas later that he’s the bomb? It wasn’t compelling to me. Partially because the monster was a human and partially because her MO was nothing new – like Kate38 said “a mix of Seven and Saw”.

                      And did I see that right at the end that the Cross Roads Demon posed as Police and took the girl away?! So are we supposed to believe that Cas called him in for help? And why not turn her over to the authorities? She did murder at least two people.

                      I also wasn’t really surprised about the new info that Jack is supposed to sacrifice himself to kill Chuck and Amara. I am happy that we have that confirmed now and I’m happy that Jack seems to think that is a worthy way to go.

                      Now I am GREATLY concerned that Cas is going to continue his record of questionable choices of action and of not telling Sam and Dean what’s he’s up to that will result in his demise…….

                      The ONLY captivating thing to me in this episodes were the scenes with Emily and the boys and ESPECIALLY the scene when Dean goes back in to ask Amara about Mary. That was BRILLIANT!!! Acting and writing!!! Great chemistry with Emily and Jensen. I really enjoyed Amara’s reasoning and Dean’s responses. It felt authentic and very in character. Loved that bit.

                      Unfortunately that was only about 15 out of 42 minutes……

                      Oh well.

                      This one was a 4 out of 10 for me.


                    • PigNaPoke
                        October 15, 2020 at 12:46 pm #2894

                        Loved the bit about how the separation of Chuck and Amara caused the big bang!

                        I am thinking that IF Amara is truly on board with helping to stop Chuck my other theory might become true and Amara becomes the new “light” or GOD and Chuck will be the “darkness” and possibly gets locked away with help from Michael.

                        That would reverse their roles, create new balance, not kill Chuck and leave a woman in charge. Actually TWO women if you consider Rowena as Queen of Hell.

                        I would really be ok with that!!


                        • kate38
                          October 15, 2020 at 12:46 pm #2895

                          “If you go “Seven” on this one, how was Connor a liar? How did that slip of a girl overpower the LUST guy and truss him up like that?”

                          Hey, PNP “)

                          Wasn’t Conor gay and pretending not to be? Maybe that’s what the murderer meant by “liar”. And I just assumed that the girl knocked people out to overpower them. She could’ve wacked the lust guy in the head to knock him out, then he wakes up tied to the bed.

                          The more I think about JBB’s theory (that the crossroad demon was working with the girl), the more sense it makes. Someone else mentioned that maybe Cas used his “crossroad” deal to get the demon to take the girl someplace other than to prison. I personally think she SHOULD go to prison, because she killed people. But I’m cynical, so there’s that. 🙂

                          • kate38
                            October 15, 2020 at 12:46 pm #2897

                            “I am thinking that IF Amara is truly on board with helping to stop Chuck my other theory might become true and Amara becomes the new “light” or GOD and Chuck will be the “darkness” and possibly gets locked away with help from Michael.

                            That would reverse their roles, create new balance, not kill Chuck and leave a woman in charge. Actually TWO women if you consider Rowena as Queen of Hell.

                            I would really be ok with that!!


                            YAY!! I’d be okay with that, too!
                            And isn’t Naomi still in charge of heaven? SO that would put women in charge of heaven, hell, and the entire cosmos ?

                          • journalbookbinder
                              October 15, 2020 at 12:46 pm #2921

                              I thought Connor was a liar about his sexuality.

                              I like your theory, PigNaPoke, about how it will all go down and who is left in what role on a cosmic scale!

                              Jensen’s acting with Emily was OFF THE CHARTS! It seems like it’s been awhile since we’ve gotten to see his amazing powers on full display.

                              I did not love them leaving Sam out in the car though (????). Really, leaving Sam out of most of this.

                              And I’ve noticed this for awhile now – when did Jared make the decision to give Sam such a halting speech pattern when he’s explaining things? Sam was not like that in the past.

                              Is Cas’ big secret that Jack will die in this plan? Or still the deal he made with the creature in the Empty?

                              My wife really liked this one; I think because it was explained…the religious group story was one where you didn’t need to have much background (everything was explained about everyone in the group)…there was some humor (My favorite was “Highway to Heaven this bitch”)…and not too many in-jokes.

                              • kate38
                                  October 15, 2020 at 12:46 pm #2923

                                  “I did not love them leaving Sam out in the car though (????). Really, leaving Sam out of most of this.”

                                  Hey, JBB 🙂
                                  When I saw that, I remember thinking it was another one of those days that Jared had off so he wasn’t on set. Like that ridiculous scene when Jared is holding off monsters by barricading a door all by himself because he was clearly the only one on set.

                                  However, the writers seem to be making a point of leveraging this connection that still exists between Dean and Amara, so I guess it made sense to me that Sam isn’t part of that. I was a little befuddled, because Dean and Sam initially said they were heading to New Jersey to confront Amara, but then — when Dean and Amara were alone — Dean said he’d never hurt her. So I was confused by that. Was Dean simply intending to have a conversation with her the whole time? It didn’t seem that way from the tough talk at the bunker and in the car. I mean, they KNOW they can’t kill her, so maybe it was their plan all along to simply try to convince her to help them.
                                  I think I’ll have to watch those scenes again.


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