Let’s all talk about Home (S1 E9)
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January 22, 2021 at 6:11 pm #4381
I’m late in creating this discussion page! But this is the week for Home and I’m determined not to fall behind!
I will never like Missouri because she was mean to Dean for no good reason. I also disliked her for lying to people who were actually paying her for psychic readings – telling them what they wanted to hear instead of telling them the truth. And I question her psychic “abilities” because she thought the house was clean when it wasn’t, which almost caused people to die. Why didn’t she get angry with Sam for not saying anything when he thought the house was still dangerous, when she snapped at Dean for simply thinking about putting his feet on the table? Her obvious bias irritated me. I remember reading that Missouri was originally supposed to be the Bobby-type character in the series, but Jim Beaver was more popular, so they went with him instead. I’m glad they did. I loved Bobby from the moment we met him in season 1. I know I’m in the minority on this, but when it comes to Missouri, I’m not a fan.
I love the scene at the gas station, when Dean tells Sam that he’s the one who carried him out of the fire. It’s clear from the beginning of the episode that Dean is clearly more traumatized by what happened to Mary because he actually remembers vivid details about that night. And Jensen was fantastic in that scene when Dean calls John for help. So heartbreaking. I also love that John came when Dean called, even though he never let them know he was there.
This episode has one of my favorite Dean-to-the-rescue scenes, when Sam is choking. That whole sequence was very well done. I always have to watch it more than once.
I thought it was an interesting Easter egg that Sam said the same thing to the little girl that John said to Dean the night of the fire “Take your brother outside as fast as you can…” Nice touch.
This was an important episode for season 1, because it’s the first time we see John (aside from the Pilot, of course), ghost Mary has that “moment” with her sons for the first time since she died, and some other important story elements were addressed, but it’s never been one of my favorites.
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January 22, 2021 at 6:11 pm #4491
Opposite opinion; I LOVE Missouri! I see it this way. Yes, she was harsh with Dean and more mothering to Sam. (that last scene with her talking to Sam on the step was very sweet). I think that she IS a good psychic BECAUSE she could sense what each one would be respond to.
Dean WOULD be the one rebelling as opposed to Sam (being told to help clean up, etc. – just part of his early bad boy image he likes to show the world). I don’t know that Dean would have been receptive to her sympathy.
Dean wanted his dad in this case and I don’t think he would have accepted Missouri as a substitute.
Sam had issues with John and would not have had the instinct to call him like Dean did – Sam was more open to comfort from Missouri so I think she sensed the vibe of both brothers exactly right.
I feel that she dealt with each one in the only ways they were capable of being dealt with.
I had forgotten what I truly good episode this one. My wife watching it for the first time with me commented “This one is exciting!”. It was really good. Hard to figure out. Creepy. Suspenseful. SO heartbreaking with Dean’s reluctance to go back there (ugh; such good acting on Jensen’s part in that motel room scene where he’s tortured about the idea of going back AND thrown by learning about how Sam’s dreams sometimes come true like visions). SO MUCH GOOD STUFF in this one! And the surprise reveal of John at the end STILL gets me!!!! The first time we see him present-day.
Now, how did Sam recognize Mary? When she was an indistinct burning form? Could he “sense” it was her? Could he “see” her face and recognize her from pictures? I always wondered that.
Also just LOVE the scene where Dean thinks fast and upends the table as the knives fly into it. Love seeing Dean so smart in a fight or thinking on his feet.
I think I’d have to say that, so far in season 1, this was the best.
This is one of my favorite episodes in season one and also one of my favorites overall.
But then I am on the PRO Missouri side and always hoped that they would bring her back every once in a while for something – and not just to kill her off!!!
I enjoyed her snark and willingness to go and help them and found the connection between her and John interesting. That could have been explored some more.
INTERESTING info, kate, that she was meant to be the “Bobby” character!!! I had never heard that. I sure am glad we got our Bobby!!! I do love Missouri but she is no substitute to him.
I completely respect your dislike for her, though, Kate! I agree that she was one sided in her chiding of the guys and she was clearly not the strongest psychic.
JBB, I love your take on it, though. That’s a way I never thought about it and it makes sense to me.
I also don’t think Dean would have wanted to be called out in front of Sam for being worried enough to have called their dad! Maybe she sensed that, too?
The fact that Missouri couldn’t sense the poltergeist anymore after the initial banishing ceremony always puzzled me a little, too, but in my head I understood that it might have been only temporarily kicked out of the house by the ritual, but it was too powerful to be completely banished. After all it took Mary’s ghost to sacrifice itself to completely take out the poltergeist in the end.
Speaking of Mary: I never really paid homage to it but I have to say Sam Smith did a fantastic job in this episode conveying a myriad of emotions with very little time and few lines! When she said “Dean” it spoke of pride and a sense of satisfaction of seeing him grown up. When she said “Sam.” It sounded sad and whistful and regretful. Her “I’m sorry” always meant to me that she apologized to Sam for the deal she struck that ultimately sent Yellow Eyes after Sam. Lots of nuance in her performance. Kudos.
I also LOVE that this episode gives the Winchesters the box of mementos and photos, many of which we’ll see through the series all the way to the end. Lovely idea and important touch stone for the brothers.
JBB, I never questioned that Sam would recognize Mary. I thought John surely had at least a couple of photos of her so Sam would have seen images of her?
kate, I too LOVE the action in this episode!! The lamp chord choking of Sam and Dean’s rescue is awesome and super creepily shot (over his shoulder seeing it snaking up to Sam was disturbing). And the kitchen scene where Dean HEARS the knives before he sees them was amazing and his quick wit and reaction to use the table as a shield impressive.
kate, another eye opening statement of yours to me is that John came BECAUSE Dean called!!! I never ever thought of it that way! In my head John ignored Dean’s plea for help – why the heck ever!!??!! – and Missouri called him in OR he was keeping an eye on the boys anyway. I guess I could not make it logical to myself that John wouldn’t rush to their aid when Dean specifically asked.
Now, I think your version is the much more logical one!! John probably did come because of the call and then stayed in the distance because he knows how capable his sons are and he could have stepped in if necessary? OK, I can buy that.I love this most of all about our discussion – how many people watch the same show and SEE different things.
Makes for great conversation.PNP
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