Let’s all talk about It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester (S4 E7)

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    • journalbookbinder
        June 8, 2022 at 4:33 pm #13689

        Halloween and Samhain!

        So much of this season could be titled, “Well, at least we tried.”

        Bring on Dean eating candy in the front seat! And is this the one with the hilarious “kid view” camera shot of Dean from the little guy dressed as an astronaut?

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      • PigNaPoke
          June 8, 2022 at 4:33 pm #13720

          CHILLING one.

          At first I thought “case is kinda meh”, then they find out that it’s so much more than this and it gets really interesting.

          I feel horrible for Sam in this episode. He is so in awe when he meets Castiel. You can really see his hope and amazement that he has proof of his faith right there in front of him. And then it’s so quickly crushed by disappointment and disbelief at what DICKS angels turn out to be. And all that happens in the span of 2 minutes.

          Dean is back to his “screw the angels” attitude here and I love it. He doesn’t trust them and he’s proven right over and over again. But I do appreciate how he tells Sam not to give up his faith just because these two angels are crappy examples.

          Angels ARE scary in their indifference and “big picture” thinking. True warriors. Not sweating the small stuff like….well, an entire town full of people. Because “father” said so and they trust dad’s word.
          Interesting point…

          SUPER ballsy of Dean to bet on his status of having been saved for a purpose and stand against Cas and Uriel!!

          Then there is the twist in the plot where Cas and Uriel elude to some “true orders”. INTRIGUING! The story keeps jerking us around. Keeps us interested.

          Sam is so smart….or a good guesser, LOL. He gave it a shot. Love that.

          Kinda silly that people crawl out of the mausoleum vaults without at lease showing some splintering of wood of a coffin!

          I also find Sam’s return to using his powers interesting. He listened to Dean or the threat of the angels to give it up, but now that the angels and heaven as a whole seemingly lost his respect he’s straight back to utilizing the powers. He’s relapsing and Dean is SO disappointed and you can see how it does weigh on Sam, but he still thinks it’s necessary to be this powerful to defeat the greater evil.
          I always have and still do appreciate the parallels of Sam’s demon blood story line to real world struggles of addiction and think the show did a good job bringing to life how even family or the people you love most in the world sometimes don’t have enough hold on the addict to cancel out the lure of the “drug”. It is very scary and heartbreaking.

          UGH, for Uriel to twist the knife and tell Sam to ask Dean about Hell is super low!! I guess, he’s just interested in sewing more discord between them and hopes to get Sam to keep failing so he (Uriel) can smite him afterall? DICKS!

          The scene between Dean and Cas is great! Suddenly we learn Cas DOES have feelings and isn’t just a tool or weapon of God. This is the moment, I think, that shifts their relationship for future seasons.
          Of course it’s also infuriating that we find out that Dean is being “tested”. I mean….that’s pretty scary.

          Yeah, every time I watch this one I start off thinking “filler episode” and even if the case itself IS kinda “meh” what happens around it is pivotal for so many other reasons.

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        • journalbookbinder
            June 8, 2022 at 4:33 pm #13725

            I wasn’t loving the case on this one. Even when it’s revealed that it’s one of the seals, somehow I was still slightly confused! So…two witches working together for 600 years to raise Samhain and break the seal? And after all that time one witch was going to sacrifice the other to break the seal, but Sam and Dean busted in and turned the tables so the one doing the sacrificing ended up being sacrificed.

            I do like the addition of more info. on angels here. We learn there are many. There are specialists. The others aren’t nearly as devoted to Dean as Cas is.

            It is sad that Sam’s excitement over angels is dashed so quickly. And he very quickly accepts that angels are dicks. I do like that Dean’s a bit gentle with Sam after that; he could be a “I told you so” jerk and he DOES say “I told you so” but he says it very kindly – not enjoying that this is a let-down for Sam and then we see how much it means to DEAN that Sam still believe. That he not lose faith in the good or lose hope that there are GOOD forces out there too. Dean really tries to soften the blow about the angels and that scene in the car is really sweet to watch.

            One thing I love in the early appearances of angels is the intimidation factor. Cas is already losing that by this point – which is good in that he’s becoming more trusted by Dean. But Uriel is all intimidation. Still I LOVE that Dean does nothing but mouth off to him, even at his own peril. In the end, Sam does too when he’s alone with Uriel in the hotel room, but he’s a bit more scared at the intimidation. Dean feels a bit immune now that he knows God saved him from hell.

            I do like the talk Dean has with Cas on the bench (that kind of becomes Cas’ “thing” as we move forward). About the importance of everyday life; saving people so they can experience the little good moments in every day. And Cas revealing that really he and Uriel were sent to follow Dean’s orders. As a test for Dean to make decisions. It must frustrate the hell out of Dean that he keeps getting tested without knowing why or what the full story is.

            Sam’s “I gave it shot” trying to hide them from Samhain by smearing blood on their faces reminded me so much of his “on the fly” way he saved Dean from the monster truck in Route 666 by making him drive to the hallowed ground of the church. There too Dean could not believe that Sam gambled with their lives on a guess; but hey, at least he tried and those two times it worked! I will never get tired of Dean’s dumbfounded reaction to finding out that Sam did not know that everything was going to work!!!!

            Good point, PigNaPoke; were the dead people in the vault just lying there without coffins?

            Dean’s scoping out the high school girls in sexy Halloween costumes is a bit creepy; but totally fitting that Sam calls him out on it, reminding him they’re “jailbait”.

            You know, PigNaPoke, it never even occurred to me that Sam would use his powers again upon finding out that angels are dicks and therefore he shouldn’t listen to their wishes for him NOT to use it. To me, it was almost more about defying Dean’s request…Sam thinking he knew better and thinking that was important enough to REALLY disappoint Dean over it. But that’s a good point. He stopped when the angels told him to, then the angels weren’t what he hoped and so he started again. Though he WAS in a bit of a pickle without Ruby’s knife.

            Odd though that the demon nuclear blast doesn’t work on Sam (love that and how shocked every demon is that tries it on him!), but a demon CAN just choke him to death? It seems like Sam is immune to the “bigger” weapon and not the regular choking and that doesn’t make sense to me.

            Dean’s disappointment at seeing Sam use his powers is so heartbreaking.

            But damn, Sam…are we to believe that he is still secretly seeing Ruby? How did he have enough juice to do this (though it looked like a seriously difficult thing to do) when he’s “stopped” training his powers? Cool that he could dispatch such a powerful demon though.

            I liked everything in this one that wasn’t the central case! I didn’t love the witch part.

            Loved Dean eating all the candy.

            On first watch I thought the kid in the astronaut suit scene was funny, but watching this time it kind of stuck out as odd and too long. They had fun with camera angles.

            Overall good though.

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