Let’s all talk about Meet the New Boss (S7 E1)
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June 5, 2024 at 2:09 pm #132904
Cas as God. Not my favorite story line idea, but because of that, I have re-watched hardly any episodes of S7 so I look forward to seeing what I see in them now.
First let me say that Dean looks EXTRA SPECIAL GOOD in this episode. I don’t know what it is, but he is especially striking looking!!
This episode is a little slow and meandering at times, setting up the new order of things and Cas as the “new boss”, then there are real rollercoaster moments with new revelations and shock value. Overall, I do enjoy watching it a lot. And I think the episode does set off the season well, foreshadowing confusion, loss and seemingly insurmountable new challenges.
As much as I hate what Castiel did at the end of Season 6, I DO LOVE what Misha does throughout the episode, portraying Case believing he is God. He is back to being scary and intimidating. He feels alien and disconnected from any humanity he might have displayed before. He seems like a proper heavenly creature to me, completely inhuman!
I appreciate the surprise when we see Cas in heaven, doing his little speech, when the camera pulls back and we see the field of dead angels! It’s impressive and makes for a chilling shift in power dynamics.
I NEVER noticed before that Dean wears an “Eye of the Tiger” T shirt under the overshirt when he works on repairing Baby!!! Too funny, IF not really Dean to me.
I love the scene in the church! Those parishioners had it coming! And the Cas church window is a nice touch. He’s definitely going for the old testament god version.
Crowley in the crappy RV is hilarious! And the exchange between him and Cas is great. It’s fun to see Crowley not over confident here, but basically bowing to Cas, yet still with the air of one who doesn’t totally submit. You can see that he won’t just be a sniveling ass kisser, but buying time.
Poor Sam going slowly out of his mind! That scene where he gets pulled by chains to the ceiling must’ve been uncomfortable to film.
Funny that Bobby’s garage has a special bay for painting cars!
I hope they’ll tell us in the SPN
I LOVE all the scenes in the rich folk’s mansion!!! The way Bobby and Sam stare at Dean when they come in and the home owners are tied to chairs, but not blindfolded….pretty dumb. It’s bad enough they can identify Dean….
Then they are so careful with removing the fulgurite from the case and moving furniture carefully, just to have the whole place be wrecked from the summoning spell. FUNNY!
The interactions between Dean and Death are always a favorite of mine! Jensen has THE perfect way to play Dean’s swagger AND being terrified of Death’s power at the same time. And Julian is sublime in his indifference to them. Mildly curious, because they intrigue him with their boldness, but in the end, not really caring for the outcome. He never loses the really scary edge with his performance. You completely buy that he could flick their lights out in an instant. It is freaking AWESOME to watch.
And then there is the reveal about the Leviathans, of course! I always found the idea of monsters so old and dangerous, that God locked them away in a specially created prison and that even Death has a healthy respect of them, intriguing. The LOOK of them eating prey is questionable, yes, but the premise is great to me.
The exchange between Cas and Death is also amazing. You can basically feel the power sizzling between them. The way they speak so calmly but DON’T BLINK, just staring each other down, it’s CREEPY and great!
We also get another demonstration of Cas’ delusions of grandeur and his stupidity in not taking the monsters inside him seriously as a threat.
What the episode does do well is setting up the ruse that Cas is the new big bad, just to pull the rug out from under all of them and us right away again.
I do appreciate that Sam is hanging on to hope that they CAN get through to Cas and that Cas is still in the vessel somewhere and cares. Even though, I don’t think he should. LOL. He’s the bigger man than me (or Dean in that moment).
I am very GLAD that Dean DOESN’T let Cas off the hook, when he says he “feels regret”!! You freaking SHOULD! Even after Cas “dies” (and Dean is obviously sad) and comes back and says again that he is sorry and will make up for it, Dean doesn’t give him an easy out, just non-committal “one step at a time” feedback. It really shows in my book that Dean feels DEEPLY hurt and betrayed.
Another excellent scene is the one between Mark P. and Jared! The idea that ALL we are seeing it actually in Sam’s head and none of it happened is SO jarring! Even if it only lasts a few moments, it definitely throws us for a big loop.
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