The Future

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The Future
Episode: 12:19
Airdate: April 27, 2017
Directed by: Amanda Tapping
Written by: Robert Berens and Meredith Glynn

Sam finally figures out a way to possibly save Kelly and her baby, but the Winchesters still have to overcome several obstacles, including battling Dagon, and dealing with Castiel, who is working with the angels. Amidst the turmoil, Castiel receives a premonition from the nephilim that once again separates him from the Winchesters.

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  • Sam to Castiel - "Cas! Hey, you're alright. Um...where have you been?"
    Dean to Cas - "Let me rephrase that for Sam. Where the hell have you been?"
  • Dean to Castiel - "Cas, you can't...with everything that going on, you can't just go dark like that. We didn't know what happened to you. We were worried. That's not okay."
  • Lucifer to Dagon - "So, you let the Winchesters' purse dog take my son?"
  • Castiel to Kelly - "Your child could bring the universe to its knees."
    Kelly to Castiel - "Or raise it to its feet"

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Related image Image result for ali ahn actres
Courtney Ford
(Kelly Kline)
Ali Ahn
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Nathan Mitchell
Paul Barton

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Name: Dagon
Species: Demon/Princess of hell
Motivation: Wants to protect the nephilim
Fate: Killed by Castiel (with help from the nephilim)
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Name: Nephilim? (may be evil?)
Species: Nephilim
Motivation: Uncertain -- self-preservation, control
Fate: Being protected by Kelly and Castiel

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Name: Lucifer
Species: Archangel
Motivation: Wants to be freed from captivity and wants to protect his son
Fate: Still being held captive by Crowley

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  • Castiel came back to the bunker to steal the Colt. Was he telling the Winchesters the truth about everything else?
  • Is Castiel lying about the angels not being able to help solve the Kelly/nephilim problem? Was bringing them into heaven and killing them both their only solution? Will the angels be able to stop Castiel and Kelly now?
  • Which 13 Led Zeppelin songs were on the mix tape that Dean gave Cas as a gift?
  • Is Kelly right - that her baby saved her life? Or are Dagon and Castiel right -- that the child was just trying to save itself?
  • For whatever reason (self preservation or some other reason) the nephilim won't let Kelly kill herself. So, would the angels' plan to have Kelly kill herself by passing through the heaven portal have worked?
  • Cas' truck was working until after he told Kelly that his orders were to take her to the heaven portal, which would kill her and her child. Is it possible that the nephilim disabled the truck to stop Castiel and Kelly from being able to leave for the portal?
  • Will Castiel eventually be able to kill Kelly and the child if it comes to it, or is he now under some sort of mind-control by the nephilim?
  • Is the Colt really destroyed for good? Can it be fixed?
  • Is the nephilim fooling everybody? Perhaps the child is neither good nor evil, but simply wants to control and has undetermined motivations beyond that?
  • If Joshua was running heaven, but he's dead now, who is in charge of heaven?

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  • Apparently, nephilim don't require nine months to develop. The show isn't clear on how long Kelly will actually be pregnant before her child is full term.
  • If Castiel is telling the truth, heaven does not have good cell phone reception. This is apparently a problem that hell doesn't have.
  • No human can pass through the heaven gate and survive. Hell and purgatory are obviously different.
  • Castiel feels like a failure for not being able to find Dean and Sam when they were locked up (LOTUS and First Blood) and for allowing Kelly to escape (LOTUS).
  • Castiel doesn't think the Winchesters will be able to kill Kelly and her baby if it comes to it.
  • Castiel told himself that stealing the Colt and working with the angels (and against the Winchesters) was protecting the Winchesters from Dagon and keeping them out of danger. Was that his true motivation? Or was he just trying to have a win, regardless of the cost?
  • Dean sleeps with the Colt under his pillow. Sam never knew this, as he thought the Colt was locked in a safe at the bunker.
  • Lucifer promised Dagon a seat at his side ruling heaven, hell, and Earth if she'd protect his son and make sure he is born.
  • If Castiel was telling the truth, he no longer believes in some grand "mission" and believes that everybody (including the angels) is just winging it.
  • Lucifer communicates with Dagon telepathically and can obviously punish her from afar.
  • When the nephilim resurrected Kelly, the angels felt a "pulse" in heaven.
  • Kelly believes that her child chose.Castiel to protect and guide him after he's born. She also refuses to believe that her child might be evil.

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  • This episode was directed by Amanda Tapping, who played the angel Naomi in season 8.
  • Mark Pellegrino is credited with the main cast members in this episode, not as a guest star. Mark Pellegrino first appeared as Lucifer in season 5 "Sympathy for the devil".
  • Sam calculated the nephilim's expected birth date as May 18th, 2017, which is the exact date for the season 12 finale. So, will the nephilim's birth be a big part of the finale?
  • Castiel stayed in room #15 at the bunker.
  • Castiel and Kelly hid at the North Point Motel, where his truck happened to break down.
  • Castiel's preferred search engine seems to be "websummon". There is a company called "websummon", but they build websites for other companies; they don't seem to operate a search engine.
  • In this episode, Joshua (heaven's gardener) was played by Paul Barton. When we first met Joshua in season 5 "Dark Side of the Moon", that character was played by Roger Aaron Brown.
  • When Dean and Sam were battling Dagon, Dean had the same crossfire shot that Eileen had when she accidentally killed a British Man of Letters, but he didn't take the shot.
  • In the same scene, Sam was shooting at Dagon with a regular gun. Why would he think that gun and regular bullets would stop her? If he was using devils' trap bullets, he should have known those wouldn't work (they didn't work on her brother, Ramiel). And if he was using regular bullets, why?

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  • When Dean sees that Sam has been up all night working on calculations, he says "Whoa. What's up, Beautiful Mind?" referring to the 2001 film "A Beautiful Mind" about a Nobel prize-winning mathematical genius who battled with schizophrenia.
  • Dean tells Cas that he's not the only one "rolling snake eyes". This refers to a dice game in which rolling two ones (two die, each showing 1) causes the player to lose his bet. Dean was implying that they were all having bad luck trying to find Kelly and deal with the nephilim problem.
  • Dagon joked about Kelly being "Mary of Nazareth, Part 2" referring to the biblical Mary the mother of Jesus in Christian tradition.
  • Dean and Sam were planning to try to use part of the grace extraction spell Castiel used on Sam after he was possessed by Gadreel (in season 9, "First Born)". Unfortunately, trying to extract all of Gadreel's leftover grace would have killed Sam. Presumably, the Winchesters are thinking that the unborn nephilim would be able to survive the procedure. Also, they are forgetting that Anna (an angel without her grace) still had some powers -- she could hear angel radio, and when she was attacked by a demon, she used telekinesis to move furniture to protect herself. So their theory that the child would simply be a normal child is flawed.
  • In Season 5 "The Song Remains the Same", Dean coined the term "Team Free Will" referring to himself, Sam, and Castiel all defying their "destinies" and defying heaven and hell to use their own free will.
  • When the angels entered the house where Kelly and Dagon were staying, Dagon was watching a game show called "Catch Phrase". This show runs in the United Kingdom.
  • Lucifer refers to Castiel as the Winchesters' "purse dog" referring to a small dog (often a chihuahua) that some celebrities, such as Paris Hilton, have been seen carrying in a purse.
  • Calvin calls Dagon Lucifer's "side piece", which refers to a mistress, or a woman that a man sleeps with but doesn't respect.
  • Dagon taunts "What Would Castiel Do" or"WWCD" as a reference to the popular phrase among some Christians "What Would Jesus Do?" or "WWJD", which is intended to encourage the person to model his/her life, decisions, and actions after those of Jesus.
  • Dean jokes that keeping track of Castiel and Kelly is like "herding cats", which usually means trying to control a group of people who refuse to be controlled.
  • Kelly referred to herself as a "cut rate political flack", which normally means someone who deflects criticism from a politician and tries to promote and elevate the person.

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