
Episode 9.21:  King of the Damned Bloodlines Episode 920 airdate: April 29, 2014 directed by Robert Singer written by Andrew Dabb SAM AND DEAN INVESTIGATE MONSTER FAMILIES IN CHICAGO — Dean and Sam investigate a case in Chicago, where they discover that various mafia-esque monster families are, unknown to humans, running the underbelly of Chicago….

Alex Annie Alexis Ann Recap

Back to Alex Annie Alexis Ann Recap Added by Journalbookbinder Sioux Falls, South Dakota. A sheriff’s deputy leads a young woman down a hallway to lockup. She struggles against him every step of the way until the door slams closed, locking her in. She yells for him to let her out. Frank, the deputy, gets…

Alex Annie Alexis Ann

Episode 9.20: Bloodlines Alex Annie Alexis Ann Episode 919 airdate: April 22, 2014 directed by Stefan Pleszczynski written by Robert Berens SHERIFF MILLS TRIES TO SAVE A YOUNG GIRL FROM A VAMPIRE NEST — Sheriff Mills calls Sam and Dean after she kills a vampire who attacked a prisoner named Annie. They discover Annie was…

Meta Fiction Recap

Back to Meta Fiction recap by Kate38 TEASER: Metatron is in a traditional study/library at a formal-looking desk typing on an antique typewriter. We see that he has been reading the Supernatural books by Chuck Shurley/Carver Edlund, and he’s currently writing a story about Dean, Sam, and Castiel. Suddenly, he stops typing, looks directly into…

Meta Fiction

Episode 9.19: Alex Annie Alexis Ann Meta Fiction Episode 918 airdate: April 15, 2014 directed by Thomas J. Wright written by Robbie Thompson METATRON OFFERS CASTIEL A DEAL — Metatron attempts to get Castiel to join forces with him. Still furious with Metatron, Castiel refuses, which sets a surprising plan in motion. Meanwhile, Dean and…

Mother’s Little Helper Recap

Back to Mother’s Little Helper Recap added by Journalbookbinder Milton, Illinois A woman comes home from work. Her husband is watching TV. He asks what’s for dinner. She tells him it’s meatloaf and he says, “Again?”. The wife tells him that she wishes he wouldn’t criticize her like that, after she’s worked so hard all…