Two Minutes to Midnight Quotes

EPISODE 521: TWO MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT Sam: So what are we looking for? Dean: Well, it’s Pestilence so he probably looks sick. Sam: Everyone looks sick. Pestilence: You boys don’t look so well. It might by the scarlet fever or the meningitis — oh, or the syphilis. Bobby: Why’d you take a picture? Crowley: Why’d…

Two Minutes to Midnight Cast

Writer: Sera Gamble Director: Philip Sgriccia Stars: Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester) Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester) Recurring Roles: Jim Beaver(Bobby Singer) Misha Collins(Castiel) Mark Sheppard (Crowley) Guest Stars: Matt Frewer (Pestilence) Julian Richings (Death) Rockey Anderson (Demon/Janitor) Mark Ghanime’ (Dr. Drake) Leah Gibson (Demon/Nurse)     SylentViolet Latest page update: made by SylentViolet , May 6…

Two Minutes to Midnight Recap

Back to Two Minutes to Midnight Two Minutes to Midnight starts off in Davenport, Iowa. Pestilence is pretending to be a doctor, but rather than healing he gives a lady named Celeste several illnesses at once. She pukes what looks to be chunky, mint chocolate chip ice-cream all over Pestilence’s face and dies, making Pestilence…

Two Minutes to Midnight

Episode 522: Swan Song TWO MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT Episode 521 airdate: May 6, 2010 directed by Phil Sgriccia written by Sera Gamble Crowley has told Bobby he will reveal where Death is in exchange for his soul. Bobby knows that Sam and Dean need that fourth ring to stop the Apocalypse …. Meanwhile, the Winchester…