Hunted Allusions

Sam: I just watch a lot of T.J. Hooker. Referencing the 1982-86 TV series T.J. Hooker, starring the inimitable William Shatner as Thomas Jefferson Hooker, a tough cop training raw recruits. Back to Season 2 episodes spnfanforever Latest page update: made by spnfanforever , Jan 18 2014, 5:22 PM EST Keyword tags: More Info: 

Croatoan Transcript

Directed by: Robert Singer Written by: John Shiban TEASER INT. CLINIC – NIGHT In slow motion, we see DEAN in a dim hallway, grimly turning towards a door and pulling out a gun. He slides out the clip, taps it on the gun, then replaces it. Inside the room, there is a Crater Lake poster…

Croatoan Allusions

Dean: Billy Gibbons, Frank Beard, U.S. Marshalls. When introducing themselves, Dean uses the names of two of the three members of the band ZZ Top. The third member is Dusty Hill. Dean: See if one of us can bang Lindsay Lohan. Lindsay Lohan is an actress who’s infamous for her late-night partying, binge drinking, and…

Croatoan Trivia

Dwayne uses the exact same ritual to contact The Demon that Meg uses in Season One’s “Scarecrow.” In the scene where Dean makes the promise to Sam, as the camera pans alongside the Impala, you can see the dolly track on which the camera runs along. Dwayne Tanner cuts the throat of Mark, yet even…

Croatoan Quotes

Sam: Didn’t you pay any attention in school? Dean: Yeah. How bills become laws, the shot heard ’round the world… Sam: That’s not school! That’s Schoolhouse Rock! Dean: …. Whatever. Dean: That was a little creepy, right? A little too Stepford? Sam: Big time. Dean: Well, you are a handsome devil, but I don’t swing…

Croatoan Recap

Back to CROATOAN Dean walks down a corridor with a gun, then goes into a room with a sign mentioning River Grove on the wall. Several people are there and a man says its not in him. A doctor is present and says she can’t tell for sure. Dean aims the gun, and fires and…


Episode 210: Hunted CROATOAN Episode 209 airdate: December 7, 2006 directed by Robert Singer written by John Shiban After Sam (Jared Padalecki) has a vision of Dean (Jensen Ackles) killing a young man who seems to be possessed by a demon, the two brothers head off to Oregon to search for answers. They come across…

Croatoan Cast

Writers: John Shiban Director: Robert Singer Stars: Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester) Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester) Guest Stars: Chilton Crane (Beverly Tanner) Bobby Hosea (Sarge) Simon Longmore (Man at Barricade) Kate Jennings Grant (Dr. Lee) Sonja Bennett (Pamela) Nolan Funk (Jake Tanner) Diego Klattenhoff (Duane Tanner) Laurie Murdoch (Mr. Tanner) Back to Season 2 episodes spnfanforever…