- Will Sam be strong enough to resist Lucifer?
- Can Castiel find God, assuming he truly is still alive?
- How will the apocalypse manifest next?

- Cas tells Dean that if Michael uses him as his vessel, he will not come out of it well.
- Lucifer reveals that Sam is his true vessel -- but her needs to find Sam and convince him to give permission to come in.
- Dean professes to feel better than ever, not chained to his family or always looking out for Sam.

- Sam stays at the Great Plains Motel in Garber, Oklahoma, which doesn't exist. But there is a Great Plains Motel in Lincoln, NE, and in Perryton, TX.
- The names that appear when Sam scrolls through his cell phone are Adele, Alana, Bobby, Brook, Butcher, Cassidy, Cory, Courtenay, Dan, Darilyn, Deborah, and Dean.
More Free to be You and Me Trivia 

- Lynyrd Skynyrd - "Simple Man"

- In one scene, Dean introduces himself as Det. Bill Buckner. This is the name of is a former Major League Baseball player for the Los Angeles Dodgers, Chicago Cubs, Boston Red Sox, California Angels and Kansas City Royals. He played for over twenty years and accumulated over 2700 career hits but is most remembered for his crucial fielding error during Game Six of the 1986 World Series, an incident that has been seared into American sports lore.
- Dean tells a vampire he's killing to "Eat it, Twilight," alluding to the hit Twilight book and film series (does this mean Dean has read the books or seen the first movie?).
- Dean refers to the archangel Raphael as the "teenage mutant ninja angel," a reference to the ninja turtle Raphael.
More Free to be You and Me Allusions 

More Season 5 Discussions

- Sam tells Dean he wants to rejoin him in the battle of the apocalypse, but Dean says they are better off apart. Later, Dean awakens five years in the future in an abandoned city, where he is attacked by humans who have been infected with a demonic virus that turns them into zombies. Zachariah appears and explains that this is the world that exists as a result of Dean refusing to help the angels to fight Lucifer. Dean meets up with a future Dean, who tells him that the virus is the Devil's endgame for destroying mankind.
Episode 504: The End