Meta Fiction Recap

Back to Meta Fiction recap by Kate38 TEASER: Metatron is in a traditional study/library at a formal-looking desk typing on an antique typewriter. We see that he has been reading the Supernatural books by Chuck Shurley/Carver Edlund, and he’s currently writing a story about Dean, Sam, and Castiel. Suddenly, he stops typing, looks directly into…

Mother’s Little Helper Recap

Back to Mother’s Little Helper Recap added by Journalbookbinder Milton, Illinois A woman comes home from work. Her husband is watching TV. He asks what’s for dinner. She tells him it’s meatloaf and he says, “Again?”. The wife tells him that she wishes he wouldn’t criticize her like that, after she’s worked so hard all…

Blade Runners Recap

Back to Blade Runners recap by Kate38 TEASER: Dean and Sam are at the bunker, and Dean is trying (unsuccessfully) to reach Crowley. It seems that he’s been trying for weeks to reach the demon, but hasn’t been able to. Sam chides Dean for chasing Crowley so doggedly, but Dean reminds him that Abaddon is…

Thinman Recap

Back to Thinman Recap added by Journalbookbinder Springdale, Washington. A teenage girl is snapping selfies with her cell phone in her bedroom. She thinks she hears something downstairs and calls out to see if her mom’s there. No answer. She keeps shooting photos and stops to look at what she’s already taken on her phone….

Captives Recap

Back to Captives recap by Kate38 TEASER: In the bunker, we see Dean in his room listening to music on his headphones. Suddenly, the music is replaced by static and the room gets cold. Dean calls for Sam. As this is happening, we see “something” moving through the bunker. Lights start flickering and there are…

The Purge Recap

Back to The Purge Recap added by Journalbookbinder Stillwater, Minnesota A hot dog eating contest is about to end. The winner is the larger of the two contestants. The thinner contestant accuses him of cheating by putting one hot dog in his pocket. It doesn’t help, the larger man wins anyway. Later, the winner gets…

Sharp Teeth Recap

Back to Sharp Teeth recap by Kate38 TEASER: Grantsburg, Wisconsin As the scene opens, it is night time at a farm. We can hear a cow screaming in the distance, and we can hear a commotion. Suddenly, a man with a shotgun hurries from the farmhouse toward the paddock to see what’s happening. He sees…

First Born Recap

Back to First Born Recap added by Journalbookbinder Jasper Springs, Mississippi…1863 A man in a Civil War uniform enters a log cabin where other soldiers are already waiting. One of the soldiers inside says “he’s coming” and they have to stand their ground no matter what happens because the knight must be protected. The other…

Road Trip Recap

Back to Road Trip Recap by Kate38 TEASER: During a solemn musical montage, Dean deals with his grief about Kevin and burns the young prophet’s body on a hunter’s funeral pyre. EPISODE: As the episode begins, Gadreel continues completing his kill list by coming after Thaddeus, the angel who tortured and guarded him while he…

Holy Terror Recap

Back to Holy Terror Recap added by Journalbookbinder Caribou, Wyoming. A white church bus drives through the mist, the occupants singing a hymn as they go. The back of the bus proclaims that it’s the “Melody Ministry Glee Club”. The bus pulls up in front of a biker bar and 12 women in white dresses…