Pac-Man Fever Recap
Back to Pac-Man Fever Recap added by Journalbookbinder Dean wakes up. He’s wearing a doctor’s coat, over a military uniform, sitting at a desk. He takes off the white coat and tries to figure out where he is. He stops the record in the room from playing, but the music continues even after he’s stopped…
Taxi Driver Recap
Back to Taxi Driver RECAP ADDED BY Spnfanforever The episode opens with Kevin on Garth’s “houseboat” – “Fizzle’s Folly”. He wakes up to hear Crowley talking to him, telling him he shouldn’t work with the Winchesters and he thinks Crowley’s on the boat with him. Kevin goes looking for Crowley but he seems to be…
Taxi Driver
Episode 8.20: Pac-Man Fever TAXI DRIVER Episode 819 airdate: April 3, 2013 directed by Guy Norman Bee written by Brad Buckner & Eugenie Ross-Leming SAM AND DEAN FACE THE SECOND TRIAL – Sam and Dean respond to a call from Kevin, who is terrified after hearing Crowley’s voice in his head. After hearing Kevin’s news,…
Freaks and Geeks Recap
Back to Freaks and Geeks Recap added by Journalbookbinder Conway Springs, Kansas. A young couple is parked near a dam making out in the car. The girl appears to be Krissy, last seen in “Adventures in Babysitting”. A blue van pulls up near them and the couple thinks they see someone moving past their car…
Freaks and Geeks
Episode 8.19: Taxi Driver FREAKS AND GEEKS Episode 818 airdate:March 27, 2013 directed by John F. Showalter written by Adam Glass SAM AND DEAN RUN ACROSS A NEW AND UNUSUAL TEAM OF HUNTERS — Sam and Dean investigate some recent vampire kills and are surprised to learn Krissy Chambers is involved. They find Krissy and…
Goodbye Stranger
Episode 8.18: Freaks and Geeks Goodbye Stranger Episode 817 airdate: March 20, 2013 directed by Thomas J. Wright written by Robbie Thompson SAM, DEAN, CASTIEL AND MEG TEAM UP AGAINST CROWLEY AND HIS DEMONS — Castiel reappears in Sam and Dean’s life and tells them Crowley has unleashed several demons into a small town. The…