Rock Never Dies Recap

Back to Rock Never Dies Recap by WhatUSeeintheShadows The episode opens with couple of teens wearing black cloaks, taking the thrill of demonic luring a little too far when they accidentally summon the devil himself. It turns out the fossilized angel feather was real after all. Lucifer, still in the body of aging rock star…

American Nightmare Recap

Back to AMERICAN NIGHTMARE A young woman in Iowa, walks into a church apparently being flayed alive, with holes in her hands and feet. However, the priest there doesn’t exactly know what to do. So Olivia Sanchez unfortunately, died from her wounds while calling out in another language with everyone around her watching in horror….

The Foundry Recap

Back to THE FOUNDRY Recap added by Journalbookbinder A couple is leaving a bar and talking about how the neighborhood around them is being gentrified. The woman thinks she hear as something; a baby crying in what looks like an abandoned house. She tells herboyfriend to call 911. She goes into the house and looks…

Mamma Mia Recap

Back to Mamma Mia Recap by kate38 TEASER: As the episode opens, Toni Bevell and Sam are in bed, naked, surrounded by candles. Sam is not injured at all, and the two of them have clearly been having sex. As they pillow talk about how neither of them expected to end up in bed with…

Let It Bleed Recap

Back to LET IT BLEED Directly following Castiel’s visit in “The Man Who Would Be King”, Bobby realizes that his copy of Moishe Campbell’s journal is missing. Bobby tells Dean and Sam that he thinks Castiel stole the journal so that he could read Moisha’s notes about H.P. Lovecraft, an author who was fascinated with…